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RE: The approach of the fog

Swimming is AWESOME exercise and perfect natural medicine, cos you get not only the circulation boost, the fun and the oxygenation of every part of your body, you get a SUPPER BOOST of MAGNESIUM (since sea water is naturally high in Mg and it is absorbed well transdermally).

The whole wall of fog thing is strange no? I'm sitting in Northern Thailand and I have NO SENSE of which country this might be. My intuition from the images and your fitness vibe says Scandinavia somewhere. Am I right?? 😊


Magnesium? Nice, I didn't even know that, cheers! My health has never been better and I'm hoping more people start swimming in cold water, even if not cold water, then at least swimming - there's soo little people in water even in summers.

You're very close with your guess - this is in Estonia! Sweden and other Scandinavian countries are our close neightbours and we don't mind considered scandinavian, because culturally we're very similar.

I shall sleep better tonight for knowing I almost guessed right. LOL.

I adore swimming and am part mermaid - just NOT ENOUGH posts about exercise as natural medicine! Swimming is sooooo good for the soul!