They don't know how to say no, that costs them a lot. Then your good disposition lends itself to the abuse of others. They react in an exaggerated way, to any desire of others, many times, going so far as to sacrifice their own needs, to those of others.
This type of attitude causes them to suffer a constant fatigue, as well as they can feel depression, sadness and grief very regularly. They never seem to have the energy to cope with life as they are overly attached to their loved ones. They can also feel very hypersensitive and quite often suffer from headaches and breathing problems.
One of the affirmations that commonly characterize them mentally or verbally are something like "I'm here to serve you", "I can't refuse to do a favor", "I don't care", because as we said above, centaurs often forget of themselves and come to sacrifice their own needs. They are very weak of will.
Treatment with the Centaura Floral Essence can help people who manage these types of emotions, in a very effective way, to activate the virtue of strength, to say no when they feel like it and to make a change in their life, expressing love and consideration for yourself. Eradicating the fear of being rejected, and of not being influenced by the will of others. With which they will achieve a happier, fuller and healthier life.
La centaura es una flor que crece en tierras áridas o secas. El nombre biológico de la especie con la que el dr. Edward Bach elaboró su esencia es "Centaurium Umbellatum".
Su acción es muy efectiva con personas que viven demasiado atados a su familia y seres queridos y se sienten imposibilitados de cambiar su rumbo.
Su necesidad de agradar llega al extremo, de que prácticamente, se convierten en sirvientes, en vez de cambiar su actitud a ser ayudantes voluntarios.
Ellos no saben decir no, eso les cuesta mucho. Entonces, su buena disposición se presta, al abuso de otros. Ellos reaccionan de una manera exagerada, ante cualquier deseo de los demás, muchas veces, llegando al extremo de sacrificar sus propias necesidades, a las de otros.
Este tipo de actitud, les hace sufrir de cansancio constantemente, así como también pueden sentir con mucha regularidad, depresión, tristeza y aflicción. Tal pareciera que ellos, no tuvieran nunca energía para encarar la vida, ya que sienten un apego excesivo por sus seres queridos. Pueden sentir también mucha hipersensibilidad, y con bastante frecuencia, dolores de cabeza y problemas respiratorios.
Una de las afirmaciones que comúnmente los caracteriza mental o verbalmente son algo así como "Estoy para servirlo", "No puedo negarme a hacer un favor ", "Yo no importo", porque tal como dijimos arriba, los centaura muchas veces, se olvidan de ellos mismos y llegan a sacrificar sus propias necesidades. Ellos son muy débiles de voluntad.
El tratamiento con la Esencia Floral Centaura, puede ayudar a las personas que manejan este tipo de emociones, de una manera muy efectiva, a activar la virtud de la fortaleza, a decir no, cuando así lo sientan y a hacer un cambio en su vida, expresando el amor y la consideración hacia si mismo. Erradicando el miedo a ser rechazados, y a no dejarse influenciar por la voluntad de otros. Con lo cual lograran tener una vida mas feliz, plena y saludable.
Really appreciate you continuing to share and inform us about the flowers and their healing energies. It always makes me smile.
I'd think many readers would like to know more about how to use, for how long and what they can expect from the Bach Flower Remedies. 😊
Sending best wishes and encouragement from Thailand.
It could be from six months to a year approximately and in that period certain changes of flowers could be made depending on what the person is improving. But if that is not the case it could last from 3 months to 6 months. And 4 drops are taken under the tongue 3 times a day. Although depending on the severity of the case it could be, 4 times a day or every 3 hours. Regarding the Floral Essence "Rescue" which is a combination of 5 of the Bach flowers, it is something like the first aid of the Bach Flowers, although I could tell you that its use is more efficient than you might think. and everyone should have a Rescue vial for emergencies. I already published a post about this miraculous essence.Thank you @artemilives for appreciating my work, this is very important to me, regarding the question you ask me. The duration of the treatment will always depend on the time you have been presenting the emotional or physical alteration. If it is something that you have been presenting for many years in a chronic way, then the duration of the treatment
Interesante artículo, la verdad no sabía que las flores de Bach tuviesen dicho beneficio o que actuaran frente e estas situaciones. Estoy en su búsqueda para empezar a tomarlas, sé que son excelentes para la sanación de diversas situaciones.
Thanks for reading and commenting on my publication.Friend @gabrielaflores, Bach flowers act on all mental and emotional processes suffered by human beings, causing diseases in the physical body. I love that you are trying to get them. My only recommendation is that you never buy them in a common pharmacy, but find a good floral therapist to prepare them in the most appropriate way. Remember that Bach flowers are vibrational preparations and that only a Floral Therapist knows the energy and vibrational techniques that they require. Without underestimating the knowledge of a pharmacist, but the basis of both knowledge, pharmacist and flower therapist, are totally different.
if only they made it without alcohol
Friend @in2itiveart, the bach flowers can be prepared without alcohol, only that their duration will not be the same. When they are administered to a baby they do not contain alcohol. Therefore, it is only a matter of making the request to your flower therapist.
Thanks @in2itiveart for reading and commenting on my publication.
oh wow! I have only seen them for sale at the health food store - I did not know that there was a flower therapist - that makes perfect sense though!
Very interesting information. I have been using Bach flowers throughout the years for numerous reasons, and they have been really helpful to me.
Thanks for reading and commenting on my publication.Friend @simplymike, great that you already know the benefits of Bach Flowers. They can help a lot in all the emotional and mental processes, before they can reach the physical body causing diseases. This is a great gift of God for us through the mother nature.
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