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RE: The Revealing - My Healing Journey - My Garden Journal

That really is a striking flower (and photo) at @crosheille. And I would say that your title, while getting a gripping response, really reveals your sad fear. Having hives on our farm, and the experience of what bees can do when upset (I won't terrify you with details of our African Killer Bee) I can really sympathise. BUT our Creator did create them with an incredible purpose. They are essential to life, both our gardens and ours. Bees have taught me so much about our Heavenly Father and His purpose for us. Did you know that the word for BEE is the same word for the WORD. I pray you will have healing and that it will be a part of your testimony


Thank you so much @buckaroobaby! I am glad I was able to capture it’s beauty :)

Oh gosh thank you for not giving details about that bee. 😬

Wow I did not know that about the word bee! 😳 Thank you for sharing this, it helps even more. Thank you also for your prayers and words of encouragement ~ ♥️