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RE: Alleviating Chemotherapy Side Effects: The Role of Acupuncture in Cancer Treatment

I'm very sorry to hear about your grandfather, I hope you and your family are doing okay.

I agree with you about chemo not being a blanket remedy. The unfortunate reality is that clinics make a lot of money off of the medicine they sell people, even if its not the best medicine for that particular person.

Medicine across all traditions in the modern world suffer from a severe lack of insight into the specific circumstances of the individual. There are stories of the ancient Feng Shi from 8,000 years ago that were so well versed in astrology, calendar science, feng shui, herbology and acupuncture that they would give their patients instructions like "stand on one foot while drinking this herbal tea at this time in the morning while facing north-east" and the patients tumors would disappear. Nowadays everybody gets the same medication for the same condition and we're surprised when it doesn't work..