Ep. 152 - Manda Scott - Shamanism, Dreams, & Post-Capitalism Regenerative Economics

Ep. 152 - Manda Scott - Shamanism, Dreams, & Post-Capitalism Regenerative Economicsby @universewithin on Universe Within Podcast View my bio on CastGarden: https://cast.garden/c/universewithin

Hey everybody! In this episode, I spoke with Manda Scott. Manda is an author, podcasters, shamanic dreaming practitioner, and works on a number of regenerative projects. I really enjoyed sitting down and speaking with her about these subjects as well as what she describes as a trauma culture from the Roman conquest and what more indigenous societies can teach us about ways forward. Manda has spent a lot of time with these subjects and questions and her knowledge is apparent in how she beautifully shares. I trust you all will get much from this episode. As always, to support this podcast, get early access to shows, bonus material, and Q&As, check out my Patreon page below. Enjoy!

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