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RE: The Self-Taught HerbCrafter ~ Can Herbalism be Learned Through Books? 📖🌱

in Natural Medicine8 months ago

I’m into synthetic medicine and I’ll agree with you.
I’ve spent a whole lot of time in classes for 6 years.
Reading on your own and applying it in life is a beautiful plan, but then again mentorship isn’t always a wrong thing.
Mentorship could work fine for some people and not sit in right with others. I guess we should just do what works for us.


It is interesting to hear your perspective! Thanks for the comment, it is nice to hear that I am not the only one who finds time in class to be less than ideal. I actually have an example of a mentorship that was very helpful too but, for some reason, I have decided to leave that for a future post.

Goodluck with it, I hope everything works out well.