The left ankle wrist ginger method seems to be very effective, i'll try it some time till ginger is great plants with many healing ingredients, i recommend including it to a weekly food plan. Especially if somebody feels sick or just want to care for the own health. Do you know Onion Juice? It's onion in a bowl with sugar so the juice gets extracted and helps in case of suffering from influenza or cough.
One question I want to ask is, what do you mean with Matrix-8? The concept got me surprised because of the possibility "to be used as governance by the people".
Greetings to you too Freddie.
I'd not heard of the onion juice cure. I will keep it in mind. Thanks.
Matrix-8 is the name which has been given to a Bottom Up, Multi-Level, Decentralised Governance System designed by John Huckel (@matrix-8).
Yes, it will become a system of governance for the people, by the people and owned by no-one. There will be no leaders, no one in charge of the Matrix-8 Platform.
It will take some time before enough people are using it (after the model has been built into a working online platform). Initially smaller communities will begin to use it to test and prove it's worth. Then the Master System, which can be used by all of humanity, will begin to become active.
I am working (voluntarily) with John to help inform and gather interested people and communities to create and use the first working model of a Matrix-8 Platform.
It is not so easy to describe how it works in simple terms. There are several articles posted in the New Age DApps community here on hive, which will begin to give you an understanding. I hope you will take the time to investigate, then share and support and become a Matrix-8 Pioneer.
Please join the New Age DApps Community to read previous and future posts about Matrix-8
Join the Telegram Matrix-8 Discussion Group and/or comment below for further discussion.
More comments or questions are also welcome here.