
You saw that ending part!
In fact, I stand for non-duality, but there are things that can no longer serve our purpose, such as lower frequencies of thoughts, losing time to worry, stress, spending time with people that don't really need our guidance, support, but just our energy for the moment HAHA! to feed or pet their ego, ...anyway, these allies can take different shapes...
I've followed you, too!

Have you studied Krishnamurti? He came to mind immediately when you mentioned non-duality. Who are your teachers? ...

When something feels dissonant it is because we are being pushed into an experience that does not fit into our chosen frequency.

I often try to change how I feel about interactions that don't suit me, which sets up a conflict in myself, of course. Or, I work to accept the negativity, because doesn't the Whole include the negative? Isn't negativity an arbitrary human judgement, a way that we impose duality on wholeness?

The idea of choosing that which resonates, as a creative act, is something I need to consider and practice. And I probably need to give myself permission to choose. I guess choosing a particular quality of experience does mean that I am against all other experience. The idea that choosing one means I'm necessarily against others is probably some kind of duality programming. There's just an assumption of opposing pairs, or, the idea that the way we make a choice is by being against what we don't want.

Well, perhaps I went into the weeds there. Anyway, glad to see you on Hive and NM.

I haven't studied him. I have read some of his writings, see some videos, but I never study. I just get in contact with info and see if I want to integrate it into my behavior or not. If it stands in my system of beliefs, if it challenges and gives me a new acceptance and optics that I test and fit me, then yes.
I have, though....studied life...a lot.

Let me know if you need digital resources of any kind. I have a huge digital library.

Whatever we are sent to experience might be something we have already projected. And as we project things, with our thoughts, that sends out a signal ....the signal brings back the same frequency we have sent...The more we stand at the edge of the hour between dog and wolf, the more we shall experience duality.

I'll be around more after next week for another 3 weeks and we can talk more, after 1-2 of May. For now, I am just posting, answering some comments, and congruently following a personal path with my life outside Hive.
