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RE: Carrot(s) baby

in Natural Medicine4 years ago (edited)

Yeah it's a lot of fun doing the gardening. I get quite a bit of enjoyment out of it! It's good to learn for the future when we can figure out what's good and what's not good for our garden. Kale? Non mi piace! That's the only plant that got eaten completely by the bugs lol

The cover should work out great in the long run, though it keeps out the old pollinators.


Kale and I do not get along...Same as arugula (we call it rocket). I'm happy for the bugs to eat them into oblivion.

I've got potter French Marigolds around the bases of the pods which should attract some bees. I actually have a lot in my garden already. The covers will get left up enough for that process to ensue. I'll sit on a rocking chair on the porch with a shotgun to ward off the other little critters.