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RE: Despair for the Earth [Thinking is Depressing]

I can so relate, @riverflows, and I so let myself go WAY too far down that rabbit hole as our election got inexorably closer last year.

At the same time, I had Riverside's latest studio album, Wasteland, on heavy rotation, which is an album about the changes in the world and their possible outcomes with America governed by a madman . . . and let's just say that listening repeatedly to an album about one's own nation and world self-imploding, with daily news about a criminally stupid and culpable national leader actively trying to make it all happen, is NOT a good recipe for peace of mind and good mental health.

Which is a big part of why I've disappeared from Hive of late, as I managed, despite KNOWING better, to thoroughly depress myself, to the extent that I was having trouble simply functioning, much less writing about it all. And the biggest problem is that I lost my ability, largely, to simply sleep.

I don't recommend it.

I can say that things have gotten better, and that with the criminally stupid imbecile out of office things are beginning to look a bit brighter, but we still have SO far to go.

Having a president once again who not only has empathy for others, but can actively READ and LEARN is a godsend, as is simply flatly ignoring my newsfeed for a few weeks.

And it is comforting to know that I no longer have to worry about our president playing nuclear chicken with Kim Jong Un, not to mention Iran, which depressed and distressed a LOT of people, and quite frankly it's rather nice to be back to having a rather boring president, who doesn't create a new scandal every waking hour of every day.

And equally frankly, it was lovely, since I haven't even checked on Hive recently, that literally the first story on my feed was yours, and that you're still actively posting and working to make the world a better place, albeit imperfectly as we all do. Thank you for being you, and for all you do, which I appreciate greatly.

 4 years ago  

Aw, you are a sweetheart. I was worried about your rabbit hole! NEver a good idea - hopefully lesson learnt. You must focus on the good YOU do, all the time - not the shit that you can't control. Reading the news doesn't do anyone any good.

Absolutely true. When GWB was president, I literally got rid of cable TV, largely because I was afraid I'd get ticked off enough to throw something heavy through the TV screen, and I figured that would be a fire hazard.

Interestingly, Marek got rid of paid cable around the same time, though we had yet to meet, although he did keep BBC America and the Weather Channel.

As for now, I'm back to concentrating on science, music and art, which is a LOT healthier for my psyche. Not to mention for everyone reading my posts.

In the meantime, where do I find the Hive banner for Natural Medicine?

Thanks again. Stay awesome, my friend.