Thank you for your comment,
Ahh what can i do, you know youself..the info is there, people simply need to want to research/use it, like with almost everything now days.....
Yes water is the information carrier, and its simply overlooked but most of the people as its just clear liquid that looks like nothing...
There is so many ways to do structural water, the one described above its probably the simplest and doesnt really involve any money...
Personally i use Shungite crystals to make it, first i get it filtered and than put into big bottle with crystals at the bottom, the day later i have super water :)
And thank you for the tip, appreciate it, however i do this to open peoples eyes, not for profit or anything......
Peace and Love!
In Lak'ech!
Once temperatures drop a bit more I will try the boiled water outside for a night. Didn't realise it was so easy as this! Will pass the info on to my mother as this may help her with a few things. Thank you again :)