You definitely need to do what's best for you.
watching the health video he made for his dad I quit all the rest of my meds and healed myself. I no longer suffer from any of the above issues anymore.I am an anti-diagnostic person myself. However, I spent years on Lithium, Xanax, pain killers, and muscle relaxers. I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder, panic disorder, Fibromyalgia, and Rheumatoid Arthritis. But one day I decided I was tired of being a zombie so I quit my meds. And after meeting @ryzeonline and
I truly believe that once people are diagnosed their symptoms get worse and their disease progresses. I stay far away from doctors and have been able to heal so much myself. However, I know that not everyone feels that way and I don't judge and I don't push my beliefs on anyone. We all have to follow our gut and what feels best for us.
I'm sending lots of positivity and love to you. I hope that you can heal quickly and feel better.
Much love,
I’m going to watch that video! I think your point about disease progressing with diagnosis is valid for many. I know I’ve had massive improvement, but I don’t love the factory aspect of illness. It is produced for sure. Thank you for this comment!
It's broken up into parts because it was flagged with copyright issues on YouTube. And it's like 2 hours but it's super helpful and really did change my life.
Thank you for sharing what's going on with you so I could share the video. I know you will feel better. I believe in you. ❤️❤️❤️
lots of love