The benefits of tempe for health, the type of food processed from soybeans.

in Natural Medicine5 years ago (edited)


Definition of Tempe

Tempe is a food with the main ingredients of soy, which is processed through the fermentation process of soybean seeds or some other ingredients, which uses several types of Rhizopus molds, such as Rhizopus oligosporus, Rhizopus oryzae, Rhizopusstolofiner or Rhizopus arrhizus. In general we know as Tempe Yeast, Unlike other traditional soy foods which usually come from China or Japan, tempeh originates from Indonesia. It is not clear when the process of making tempe began in Indonesia. However, this traditional food has been known for centuries a century ago, especially in the Javanese culture of food, tempeh for Indonesians is a food that is known by all walks of life, because it tastes good and the price is quite cheap. Indonesia is the largest tempe producing country in the world and makes Indonesia the largest soybean market in Asia. As much as 50% of Indonesia's consumption is done in the form of tempe, 40% tofu and 10% in other forms such as soy sauce, tauco and others.

You need to know that tempeh is very rich in dietary fiber, vitamin B, and iron contained in tempeh. Tempe also has an important role as an antibiotic that can cure infections and antioxidants, and also can prevent degenerative diseases in humans.

Versi indonesia

Pengertian Tempe

Tempe adalah makanan dengan bahan utama dari kedelai , yang diolah melalui proses fermentasi terhadap biji kedelai atau beberapa bahan lainya, yang menggunakan beberapa jenis kapang Rhizopus, seperti Rhizopus oligosporus, Rhizopus oryzae, Rhizopusstolofiner atau Rhizopus arrhizus. Secara umum kita kenal sebagai Ragi tempe, Tidak seperti makanan kedelai tradisional lainya yang biasanya berasal dari China atau Jepang, tempe itu asli berasal dari Indonesia, Tidak jelas kapan proses pembuatan tempe dimulai di indonesia, Namun demikian, makanan tradisional ini sudah dikenal sejak berabad-abad yang lalu, terutama dalam tatanan budaya makanan masyarakat Jawa, bagi orang indonesia tempe adalah makanan yang dikenal oleh semua lapisan masyarakat, dikarenakan rasanya yang enak dan harganya yang lumayan murah.

Indonesia merupakan negara produsen tempe terbesar didunia dan menjadikan indonesia pasar kedelai terbesar di Asia, Sebanyak 50% dari konsumsi Indonesia dilakukan dalam bentuk tempe, 40% tahu dan 10% dalam bentuk lain seperti kecap, tauco dan lain-lain.

Perlu anda ketahui bahwa tempe sangat kaya akan serat makanan, vitamin B, dan zat besi yang terkandung didalam tempe.

Tempe juga memiliki peran penting sebagai antibiotik yang dapat menyembuhkan infeksi dan antioksidan, dan juga dapat mencegah penyakit degeneratif pada manusia.


Tempe benefits for health.

1. Calcium Equivalent to Cow's Milk.
The results of his research on tempeh, stated that the calcium in four pieces of tempe is comparable to a piece of meat a glass of cow's milk.

2. Prevents Osteoporosis In tempe contains a lot of calcium and vitamin K which is good for human bone formation, in soybean itself already has both of these nutrients, but with the fermentation process of tempe, can increase the amount of vitamin K and other minerals. We often consume tempeh every day in addition to side dishes and vegetables and rice of course, and for those who suffer from osteoporosis is very good if you consume tempeh as a prevention.

3. Lower cholesterol The benefits of tempe for further health is very good for lowering cholesterol levels in our body, as we all know that high cholesterol in the blood is very risky to cause heart attacks and strokes that can cause paralysis in humans.

4. Enhance the Immune System Tempe which we know in general as soybeans through this fermentation process can form phytic acid as well as various kinds of good bacteria, such as probiotics. Probiotics that are in the body will help improve our immune system, and maintain healthy bones and intestines, and help facilitate digestion in humans.

5. Protein Is Higher Than Meat The next health benefits of tempeh can be obtained from the protein contained in tempeh, the results of the study state that there are 19 grams of protein in every 100 grams of tempe.

6. Good for diets For those of you who are on a diet program or want to lose weight in order to maintain health, you can add tempeh to your healthy lifestyle menu, with good probiotics for the digestive system, and also a variety of nutrients that are sufficient so that the body does not weaken during your diet program.

7.Maintaining Heart Health The next benefit of tempe for health is maintaining heart health in humans. Through the cholesterol-lowering process we previously mentioned above, it turns out that in tempe also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory, so both of these compounds are able to protect our blood vessels from inflammatory and oxidative damage, so blood vessels you are healthy that will make your heart healthy too.

8. Prevent Cancer As we all know, cancer is caused by abnormal mutated cells that produce new cells with imperfect genes, so these new cells can damage healthy cell tissues and certain body organs in humans, which in turn leads to a disease called us. cancer.

9.Reducing Blood Sugar The benefits of tempe for the next health is very suitable for humans with diabetes, especially type 2 diabetes, the protein and fiber content contained in tempe is also able to maintain a balance of blood sugar levels in the body and also prevent high sugar levels from rising, for the body diabetics, diabetes is a disease that is greatly feared by humans, because severe wounds on the body of people with diabetes are on average incurable and must be amputated.

Here is a very easy way to present tempe.






That is one type of typical food from Indonesia, which contains many benefits for the health of the human body.


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Oh my - and now I want to eat tempeh with sambal badjak. 😍 My father born and raised in Bandung. 😊 Tempeh is awesome stuff. Have you tried making it yourself? I like it made from chick peas or black beans the best - prefer to not eat the GMO soy anymore. But I LOVE tempeh and easy to get black bean tempeh now in Thailand. Thankful.

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I was just ready to eat tempeh, when I fried I took a photo, if you like tempeh, let me send a tempe package for you to Thailand, is your father originally from Bandung?👍👍