You touch here a bunch of sensitive topics, but the original question of the post remains the most essential, I think. Most of us are told constantly that we should be positive, that we should embrace good and shed evil, pursue light and put darkness aside, that the shadow is a no-go and we should just smile and be kind to everyone.
But duality fulfills a purpose, we can't find balance just by putting all of our energy in one side of the scales. The Heart and the Feather must be level for us to proceed to the next phase of evolution. This is why we must accept and be thankful for the gritty aspects of life too. This is difficult, of course, because it's unpleasant and scary to accept death, pain, anger, cruelty, oppression, let alone be thankful for them. But if we shed our judgment and opinions, we realize all of those things are just part of existence, they embody teachings and they can all help us unlearn the patterns that keep us trapped.
Love is neutral, it has no inclinations toward one thing or the other, it stands beyond any duality. And indeed, we can love everything by realizing that everything is there for us out of Love, even the things we're told to consider terrible. Love is the only Truth and the only Reality, the rest is just Fear and Illusion.
This just showed up in my FB feed and seems to capture what you are saying here.

Precisely so. I've willingly explored darkness to increasing depths, and it's been enormously rewarding! Of course, it comes with its own perils, but what doesn't?
I tell everyone that it's better to get into the Shadow willingly than to wait for it to manifest itself, which it most assuredly will. That way we can do it on our terms, instead of being forced to accept the conditions imposed on us by the environment.
Exactly. I think it's getting harder and harder to ignore the shadow now as well given the high frequency light coming in. That said, we can clear things very quickly now because of the high frequency light coming in!
Indeed. Until very recently the fact that we live in a dualistic reality has been overlooked so we are where we are as a result. Thank you for the way you've explained this. It makes total sense to me.