Song, prayer, created raised from profound materials and fortune revealed. Unknown purposes unveiled, what has been kept hidden is expressed and shown in full. The Dream is manifest; everything you have thought of as impossible becomes tangible before you. The evidence you need reaches your hands. Luck has shifted, the vulnerable obtain powerful defense in unity, and the strong see themselves isolated and sensible. Movement of forces and masses, renewed motivation, the unexpected turns into an inexorable reality. Proceed with faith, nothing stands between you and the reward you have desired, other than your anxiety. Open your eyes wide, for you shall see the structure fall in the first row. The cruel drop on their knees and beseech mercy, fate knocks at their doors. Clear all your debts and untie the ropes, the sea calls for you, progress is now.
Chakra: Sacral
Planet: Pluto, Neptune
Canción, plegaria, creación elevada de materiales profundos y fortuna revelada. Propósitos desconocidos quedan al descubierto, lo que se mantuvo oculto es expresado y mostrado en su totalidad. Manifestación del Sueño; todo lo que has considerado imposible se vuelve tangible ante ti. La evidencia que necesitas llega a tus manos. La suerte ha cambiado, los vulnerables obtienen poderosa defensa en la unidad, y los fuertes se ven aislados y sensibles. Movimiento de fuerzas y masas, motivación renovada, lo inesperado se torna una realidad inexorable. Procede con fe, nada de te separa ahora de la recompensa que has anhelado, más que tu ansidad. Abre bien tus ojos, pues verás la estructura caer en primera fila. Los crueles se arrodillan y piden clemencia, el destino toca a sus puertas. Cancela tus deudas y desata las sogas, la mar te llama, el progreso es ahora.
Chakra: Sacro
Planeta: Plutón, Neptuno
Wow, I haven't really looked into your readings yet, I apologize for that. I'll read more about them since I think you wrote a post where you explain it more. But I resonated a lot with your reading today 🙏
Glad you find this one useful, feel free to read previous ones you resonate with, since the messages don't actually get outdated. I'll post a far more comprehensive post about them soon.
Gracias, gracias, gracias. 🙏
Adiwa, my bro!
Yes this is what I needed to hear, it is so easy to get overwhelmed these days, but I have to stay focused and true to who I am, thank you for this xx I am ready for the sea to take me xxx