Baby steps. This was such a huge deal.
Saying anxiety trivializes it, making it sound like something that you are making much over nothing. Coming from somebody who has had a full-blown anxiety attack, (or three) I can assure you that I want to be there to support you as you navigate this. Today you did great and it is a huge step for you and there will days that it will be worse than it ever was, and you will (will) yourself to not be in that place.
It is a journey. But, then, you always were the adventurous typle. :))
((hugs)) So proud of you.
Thank you so much my sweet Denise. ♥️
Yes, baby steps for sure. I wouldn't even have imagined I'd still be battling with this fear after all this time. Thank you so much for your support and sharing about your own anxiety attacks.
Journey here I come. It’s time I face this for the good of everyone...but mainly for myself.
Thanks again always ~ 😊🌺
The only thing I say is that this doesn't own you, but, don't be deterred by setbacks, because the realist in me says that happens, but no disappointments about that.
The mind is strong, but, the will is stonger. Just know you have so many people surruonding you. With love.
Wow, what a lovely encouraging comment that I needed. You always have the words to say. Thank you so so much ~ ♥️🌺