in Natural Medicine4 years ago

I know the name " hospital too far" sounds very funny, but literally speaking this plant performs exactly as its name entails. This plant originates from Mexico but can be found in other parts of the world, and has been used in ages as a major blood booster and also as a medicine for curing other ailments, no wonder our ancestors rarely fell ill and lived up to very good old ages.
The plant can be served in different ways; it can either be cooked and served as a local delicacy or it can be boiled in water and drained for drinking.



  1. The commonest use of "hospital too far" is for treating anemia, hence it is used as a blood booster because of it's high iron content. So whenever some individuals are diagnosed with low PCV(low blood level), instead of taking orthodox medicine, they resort to herbal remedy by drinking the juice from this plant, and it has been proven to help increase PCV level over time for people.
  2. It is used in treating insomnia (inability to sleep).....I remember once when my cousin was having difficulty in sleeping, she was advised to drink the juice from this plant..........she slept for 4 hours straight at noon, woke up and was still feeling sleepy 😅😅
  3. It aids weight loss as it doesnt contain much calories
  4. It boosts your immunity and helps your body fight against infections
  5. It aids gastrointestinal motility and treats constipation.
  6. It helps regulate blood pressure as it contains a beta blocker
  7. It is using in treating cold and cough especially when taken hot, the heat contributes significantly to its therapeutic effect in treating cold,cough and fever.
  8. It helps in preventing hemorrhoids
  9. It aids in the growth of healthy and glowing skin
  10. It has antibacterial properties and can aid in suppressing bacterial infections
    These are just some of the numerous benefits of "hospital too far"

• Get the leaves of "hospital too far" plant
• Wash the surface of the leaves carefully just to get rid of dirts.
• Pour a significant amount of water in a pot, like 3 cups.
• Put the leaves inside the pot and boil
• Boil for 5 to 10mins.
• After boiling, allow to cool off a little before drinking.

Drain and take a cup of this drink twice a day before meals to get effective results.


Thank you for reading,I hope this information helps someone out there.


Posted on

 4 years ago  

Hello friend, thank you very much for sharing this information with us. It has been a pleasure to read you. Where are you writing from? Have you thought about making a more detailed post when you have the opportunity to post again? I'm very curious and excuse me for asking, it's just to improve the votes you deserve. Overall it's been a pleasure to stop by, hope you have a great week. Blessings.


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Posted on

No problem..thank you

Wonderful read, I learnt a lot but have some questions because science is specific.

  1. What’s the botanical name of the plant?
  2. What specific beta blocker does it cointain? ( not a pharmacist but would like to know if this is the source of some anti hypertensives )
  3. Is it as delicious as it is nourishing ?

Glad to know this is a rich source of nourishment to the tblood... I really enjoyed this and I look forward your contents

Posted on

Just seeing the botanical name in the title..... thanks for sharing

I don't have knowledge of the specific beta blocker it contains for now, would keep making researches on that and update you.......About being delicious, herbs are not naturally delicious, except you are making them in form of a delicacy where you have to add spices and all to make it delicious.

Thanks for the reply