I will address all the issues raised in your comment in a post or posts over the coming days. But know that these are things I have considered deeply, and I have personal experience with some of these issues that I think will be valuable to share. I had written already, half a reply which was already three times longer than my original post but for some reason the draft did not save and I wish not for this to occur again, so I will just weave my response to your questions into future posts as I've never had a draft fail to save from the submit page and I am thinking maybe this is a problem exclusive to comments.
But, I appreciate you taking the time to leave such a thoughtful response and I definitely will address your curiosities soon, via articles published within the same community I've posted this one in -#naturalmedicine
I look forward to these posts... very much.
I've a great deal of things to write about as I have been silent for the past few years, studying myself and the world. So, if I have still not done so within a few days, feel free to reply here and remind me to do so.