New born baby

A new born baby is a very fragile little tiny one. Starting from its head down to its toes and it makes someone feel amazed.

As a baby was born, a mother was also born. A mother who wonders how she could be a good better and best mom to her child. Lots of questions about how a mom could handle care and love her child.

How to handle her new born baby?

For me as a solo parent mother. Here are some points to remember as you gave birth to your child specially to those newly gave birth mother.

Mother/parents should sanitised first before touching or carrying his or her child. New born babies are not yet fully developed and they are still adjusting their self from the environment outside its mother’ womb. From the fact that they are in their adjustment stage on how to adopt the environment they are prone to infections or risk.

In carrying new born babies, we should bear in mind that a new born baby is very tiny and fragile. We should support its head and neck for it does not have enough strength to carry their body weight.

Feeding. In feeding new born babies we must consider breastfeeding for it was the most recommend way in feeding new born baby. Breastfeeding has lots of benefits aside of it it’s free. Breastfeeding plays a vital role to a child’s life for it is the safest cheapest heathy way to feed our babies.