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RE: Fruits & Veggies Monday - Spiced Sweet & Sour Beetroot

in Natural Medicine5 years ago (edited)

Lizelle, here is a link to my pickle recipe which includes the brine I use - mainly because I often make too much.

I have snoozed our listing for The Little Room and am not sure when we will host another Sunday Supper. Because it means strangers in our home and private space. For the rest, I manage self-catering places so we have key safes and will have no contact with guests. Makes things a lot easier. I hope, anyway.

Our village police station was closed for deep cleaning two days ago. Some members live in Robertson where there are lots of cases. Some families here have quarantined. However, as at yesterday, no confirmed cases here. Long may it last.

We resume the market on Saturday. We shall see.


Thank you so much for the link to your recipe.
It's really terrible how this virus has changed our lives! I do hope that things stay like that in your village and that your Saturday market indeed takes place:)