Introduceyourself: Indigenous chief and Shaman Rufino Ponare arriving Blockchain [Esp-Eng]

in Natural Medicine5 years ago (edited)

Esta cuenta tiene como finalidad ser puente para enlazar las raíces de un pueblo milenario del Amazonas Venezolano con la innovación más grande del mundo digital.

This account is intended to be a bridge to link the roots of a millenary people of the Venezuelan Amazon with the greatest innovation of the digital world.


The Shaman and his son Rafael (a translator from Wotuja to Spanish), due to the lack of internet and digital equipment (computers, cameras or smart phones), went to a group of students who are interested in helping them express their environmental problems resulting from the exploitation of the mining arc and forest resources, as well as transculturation.

Hello my name is @auelitairene student of the traditions of the Wotuja people and their medicine through the shaman Rufino Ponare. I will be managing the account of the Diyocoi Foundation, account that will serve as a bridge to link the roots of a people that is cultural heritage of humanity, with the biggest innovation of the digital world "Blockchain".

The shaman Rufino with the help of his son Rafael will be sending me all the stories and knowledge that the shaman wants to share with all the Blockchain of Hive. I will be helping them in the process of editing and final translation of the text in both Spanish and English, thus bringing a vibrational message from the grandfather to us here on the platform.

El Chamán y su hijo Rafael (traductor de wotuja al español), por falta de internet y de equipos digitales (computadoras, cámaras o teléfonos inteligentes), acudieron a un grupo de estudiantes que tenemos el interés de ayudarlos a expresar sus problemáticas medio-ambientales producto de la explotación del arco minero y de los recursos selváticos, así como la transculturización.

El chamán Rufino con la ayuda de su hijo Rafael estarán enviándome todas las historias y saberes que el chamán quiera compartir con toda la Blockchain de Hive. Yo estaré ayudándolos en el proceso de edición y traducción final del texto tanto en español como en ingles trayendo de esta forma un mensaje vibracional de parte del abuelo a nosotros acá en la plataforma. Hola mi nombre es @auelitairene estudiante de las tradiciones del pueblo Wotuja y de su medicina a través del chaman Rufino Ponare. Estaré manejando la cuenta de la Fundación Diyocoi, cuenta que servirá como puente para enlazar las raíces de un pueblo que es patrimonio cultural de la humanidad, con la innovación más grande del mundo digital “Blockchain”.


Who are the Wotujja? || ¿Quienes son los Wotujja?


The Wotuja people, commonly known as the Piaroa people, have occupied for thousands of years an extensive territory stretching from the Amazon and Bolivar States in Venezuela. Wotuja means "Man of Knowledge". They are knowledgeable experts who have developed a way of life of learning about the jungle since ancient times. Being women experts in slash and burn agriculture without depending on pesticides, nutrients, or artificial irrigation; And men experts in natural resources for housing construction, tool design, hunters, fishermen. Few are the tribes that remain original, today, is a people that has diversified its way of life since the arrival of the Creoles, has led to the Piaroas to abandon their customs by religion and city life.

El pueblo Wotuja conocido comúnmente como pueblo Piaroa, ha ocupado desde hace miles de años un extenso territorio que va de los Estados Amazonas y Bolívar en Venezuela. Wotuja significa “Hombre de conocimiento”. Expertos conocedores que desarrollaron un modo de vida de aprendizaje de la selva desde tiempos ancestrales. Siendo las mujeres expertas en la agricultura tala y quema sin depender de pesticidas, nutrientes, ni del riego artificial; Y los hombres conocedores de los recursos naturales para la construcción de viviendas, diseño de herramientas, cazadores, pescadores expertos. Pocas son las tribus que se mantienen originales, hoy en día, es un pueblo que ha diversificado su modo de vida ya que la llegada de los criollos, ha llevado a los Piaroas a abandonar sus costumbres por religiones y por la vida en la ciudad.

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The Shaman Bolivar was one of the few shamans who decided to maintain their beliefs, he moved away from the territory to be away from the religious who did not agree with his lifestyle. Grandfather Bolivar was the first to let the criollos go to visit them to learn about their culture, since one day he envisioned that the link between their culture and ours would bring us the keys to our development and survival.

We are the help they need and they are the help we need.

El Chamán Bolívar fue uno de los pocos chamanes que se decidieron mantener sus creencias, se movió de territorio para estar lejos de los religiosos que no estaban de acuerdo con su estilo de vida. El abuelo Bolivar fue el primero en dejar que los criollos fueran a visitarlos para aprender de su cultura, ya que un día visiono que el vínculo entre su cultura y la nuestra nos traería las claves de nuestro desarrollo y sobrevivencia.

Siendo nosotros la ayuda que ellos necesitan y ellos la que nosotros necesitamos.


Rufino Ponare or his name in Wotujja "Jattüpa" (Green leaf, fresh), inherited from a pure lineage of Chiefs and great Shamans like Purite and Wiranta, the knowledge necessary to become the guide of his people. He was never attracted to the life of the sabarari (Creole) and just like his father he remained firm with his roots, he learned the art of healing with singing and he is the one who today after the transcendence of grandfather Bolivar, has taken the work of Shaman and Casique of the Wotujja people, together with his wife Carmen who is also a Shaman.

Rufino Ponare o su nombre en Wotujja "Jattüpa" (Hoja verde, fresca), heredo de un linaje puro de Caciques y grandes Chamanes como Purite y Wiranta, el conocimiento necesario para convertirse en el guía de su pueblo. Nunca le atrajo la vida del sabarari (criollo) e igual que su padre se mantuvo firme con sus raíces, aprendió el arte de sanar con el canto y él es quien hoy en día después de la trascendencia del abuelo Bolivar, ha llevado la labor de Chaman y Casique del pueblo Wotujja, junto a su esposa Carmen quien también es chaman.


The shaman's job is to re-create, heal, protect and teach his family. The "tools" he uses are tobacco (jateh), the Tuipa (Caapi), the Ñua (Yopo) and the Dädä. But because it is Meñerua his main method is singing. The ancestral songs learned through the lineage from grandparents to grandchildren transform the structure of water, honey, food and snake bites, reversing and healing the wounds.

El trabajo del chaman es el de re-crear, sanar, proteger y enseñar a su familia. Las "herramientas" que utiliza son el Tabaco (jateh), la Tuipa (Caapi), La Ñua (Yopo) y la Dädä. pero por ser Meñerua su mètodo principal es el canto. Los cantos ancestrales aprendidos a través del linaje de abuelos a nietos transforman la estructura del agua, de la miel, de los alimentos y de picadas de culebras, revirtiendo y sanando las heridas.


A new beginning || Un nuevo comienzo

Due to the various changes in the surrounding communities with the indigenous trans-culturation, young people have been lost in the use of heavy drugs, alcohol or fanatical evangelization. The Shaman is in the process of building a new settlement for his family and for the reception of tourists who come to learn from the knowledge he brings, as well as in search of physical and spiritual healing.

Debido a los varios cambios que presentan las comunidades cercanas con la trans-culturización indígena, los jóvenes se han perdido en el uso de drogas pesadas, el alcohol o la evangelización fanática. El Chaman se encuentra en la construcción de un nuevo asentamiento para su familia y para la recepción de turistas que van en busca de aprender de los conocimientos que nos brinda, así como en busca de sanación física y espiritual.



Diyocoi (cold weather deer) is the name of the new settlement which, being a high area, is usually cold, which is why they decided to name it after the deer. Two hours away from the closest community in Alto Carinagua where the family's home used to be, the grandfather started the project for the creation of a larger churuata that would house up to 150 people at a time.

This construction began in the middle of last year. The churuatas are made with raw material processed by them, although the comfort needed to receive tourists goes a little further, so they have carried out campaigns to generate the support needed to install ecological systems of water and light to facilitate the attention required by visitors, as a first instance.

Diyocoi (venado de clima frio) es el nombre del nuevo asentamiento que por ser una zona alta suele ser fría, siendo esa la razón por la cual decidieron nombrarla en honor al venado. A 2 horas de la comunidad más cercana en alto Carinagua donde estaba el hogar de la familia antiguamente, el abuelo comenzó con el proyecto para la creación de una churuata más grande que albergara hasta 150 personas a la vez.

Esta construcción se inicio a mediados del año pasado. Las churuatas son hechas con materia prima procesada por ellos mismos, aunque la comodidad que se necesita para recibir turistas va un poco más allá, por lo que se han llevado a cabo campañas que generen el apoyo que se necesita para instalar sistemas ecologicos de agua y luz que faciliten la atención que requieren los visitantes, como primera instancia.


finished churuata


Shamanic Knowledge in Blockhain
Conocimiento Chamanico en Blockhain


The shaman Rufino, despite never having used a computer, decides to use the Internet as a method of communication, so in a search for ways to connect, Hive was presented to us as a platform free of censorship that will allow him to be part of new technologies.

Grandfather Rufino also began to hold the energy necessary for them to establish a bond, being able to show the realities that they live every day in addition to their lifestyle and beliefs.

El chamán Rufino a pesar de nunca haber usado una computadora, decide usar el Internet como un método para comunicarse, así que en una búsqueda de medios para conectarse se nos presentó Hive como plataforma libre de censura que le permitirá ser parte de las nuevas tecnologías.

El abuelo Rufino también comenzó a sostener la energía necesaria para que se establezca un vínculo, pudiendo ellos mostrar las realidades que viven a diario además de su estilo de vida y creencias.


Through the process of user onboarding we have witnessed the difficulties that come with adopting new technologies by brilliant human beings who, by devoting themselves to some discipline or lifestyle, have lost the constantly upwardly evolving curve of technology.

The main goal of @fundaciondiyocoi is to create a channel that will diminish the generation and cultural gap between the technologically advanced societies and the Wotujja community in the Amazons, who know a path in harmony with nature.

A través del proceso de onboarding de usuarios hemos sido testigos de las dificultades que se presentan al adoptar nuevas tecnologías por partes de seres humanos brillantes que al dedicarse de forma consagrada a alguna disciplina o estilo de vida han perdido la curva en constante evolución ascendente de la tecnología.

La meta principal de @fundaciondiyocoi es crear un canal que disminuya la brecha generacional y cultural existente entre las sociedades avanzadas tecnológicamente y la comunidad Wotujja en las amazonas, conocedores de un camino en armonía con la naturaleza.

Fotografía || Photography: Fregilbert Milano & Vladimir Chelminski

If you would like to contribute to the construction of the new churuata, you can do so directly on the @fundaciondiyocoi account.

Si gustas en contribuir con la construcción de la nueva churuata, puedes hacerlo directamente en la cuenta @fundaciondiyocoi.



Appreciate you documenting your perspective of this particular culture and wisdom - one of soooo many groups, tribes and people's living calmly, in the old way, in many countries round the world.

Perhaps you could also cite some anthropological works about this Tribe in your articles for those of us truly fascinated and wanting to learn more? I'm sure much has been written - 5 mins on google tells me this is a very well studied tribal group speaking as many as 6 different languages across 3 (possibly more) countries. It's important for us to get a broader sense of how the world views and values indigenous people too.

What will you do with the Hive earnings from this account @auelitairene? Is it to support the much bigger tourist infrastructure they are building?

 5 years ago  

Yeah thanks you so much! I will do a post answering you’re doubts I understand the importance and I’m agree.

Al rewards of this account will go to help the shaman with the expenses of the de construction in addition to the expenses they present in the comunity.

Gotta say the SIZE of this BIG tourist building (to fit 150 people, no?) worries me - that many people may destroy whatever culture there is left.

@artemislives I think that @auelitairene may not have meant 'tourists' as we do. In english it just refers to people on vacation, but if I am understanding the post correctly the word visitors would fit better. I know that here in the United States many of the tribes used to build a large single building (like the longhouse) for use, especially when everyone gets together, and most especially in a place where the winters are cold. It's more like an all-in-one building, and I am familiar with many tribes having that set-up. Since they have so many family members that live in a more "modern" setting away from their people (perhaps this is what the creole term is) I would imagine a challenge of getting those folks to come to visit would be a lack of modern amenities that they are used to, so to entice them to continue to visit and learn of their own culture, compromises are made. Now, that doesn't mean they are not taking visitors and generating money through tourism, but I suspect it's nothing like "tourism" as we would think of.

Thank you so much for helping us with the explanation, sometimes the misuse of some words can make the difference between good and bad communication. I thank you for taking the time and connecting in such a genuine way. Adiwa!

 5 years ago (edited) 

Oh no, I dont no explain me good... at no point did I say those 150 people were only tourists.

I explain you a little better, the churuata is the family's home, the shaman, the grandmother, her children, grandchildren, young people from the community that the grandfather receives and teaches. they all live inside the churuata, they sleep in hammocks and for example in important ceremonies like the Dädä that is when they receive the most tourists, all the assistants must sleep in hammocks and that takes up space... always the group is of maximum 17 people.

But the dädä is a family celebration and people come from all over and fill the churuata.

Thank you for the clarification. Appreciated. It isn't clear. It is, of course, their choice to become a tourist location and earn money from that, and I seriously respect your decision to help them raise money for that.

 5 years ago  

Yes, maybe my efforts to explain you can be in vain. you should also make an effort to understand as my lack of language may be limiting. I will try to make a post on my account so that everyone can see what I have seen; maybe I will communicate your appreciated doubts to the shaman so that he can answer you at some point, I am sure he must have more appropriate words. At the moment I think that's what I can offer you. Not everything we think can be like that, sometimes just as we think badly of people, we should try to put ourselves in their shoes and rather ask ourselves what makes them act the way they do.

My work here is only to help them and all my work during the quarantine has been to help them, without earning 1 cent from any project, including my personal account and that is that I know that the current situation of the country makes it very difficult for them to survive, I have been with them and I have seen their problems with young people who become criminals under the influence of the guerrillas and the new communities that the government has put close to them by invading their lands, they have dug and exploited their mountains in search of diamonds or gold and they are directly affected.

Thank you for your good energies and support!

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Que bello ver como el internet realmente puede servir para acortar las distancias y para crear conciencia sobre temas tan importantes como lo son las culturas ancestrales y la armonía con la naturaleza.

Felicidades a todos ustedes y mis mejores deseos en este gran proyecto de tender puentes. Cuentan con todo mi apoyo. ♥️

 5 years ago  

Muchísimas gracias por tu apoyo 🙏 El conocimiento que ellos manejan es la clave que buscamos para vivir en armonía.

Me encanta esta presentación de @fundaciondiyocoi.

Bienvenidos!!! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Para mí será un honor seguirles y estar al tanto de todo este proceso de compartir con la comunidad.
Siéntanse como en su casa 🌻

Agradecidos por el apoyo, esto es nuevo para todos nosotros asi que iremos fluyendo con el plan que tenga el abuelo. Adiwa, pronto tendremos mas para compartir.

Fascinating read and a great project, I'll look forward to future updates!

@tipu curate

Upvoted 👌 (Mana: 16/32)

Thank you for your reblog and your comments!

the communication with the jungle it's oftenly an interrupted one, at least for now we have work to do to solve this but it's a blessing to have this bridge posibility between web 3 and roots.

It seems like a really interesting response to changing times.

Takes me back to my Anthropology degree, that was a few years ago!

Great, I don't know many anthropologists that speak about this specific community, but there is one called Alejandro Mansutti that has an extensive work of the Wotujja people, he doesn't speak exactly about the same cosmovision, but he is the closest you can find on the internet, and the best thing is that he has articles in English.

Interesting to learn cultures, the way of life people select to life. Hope the modern world does not intrude too much into their traditional ways.

 5 years ago  

It is beautiful to see their cultural essence, but their roots have gradually been lost and that is why the shaman works day and night to find ways to unite his family as the indigenous people throughout the Amazon are affected and seek our cultures that what they generate is suffering.

I'm glad you liked it and I hope it stays that way!

Sad to learn many are losing their identity, not really sure if younger generation can be held back once they learn of the big wide world. Hope they do manage to keep traditions going, not an easy task.

 5 years ago  

Really fascinating read and I love your passion for connecting us on HIVE to such incredible wisdoms within a culture I know very little about. A beautifully written article and I especially appreciated the addition of the youtube video which helped me appreciate the atmosphere too! Thanks so much for sharing.

 5 years ago  

I am committed to helping in any way I can, the shaman is making an effort to bring the young people back to their roots. The children have lost their beliefs and the fact that we sabararies (creoles) go, gives the young people reasons to work the land, the crafts and in their culture.

Give thanks!!! We are grateful for this bridge!!
Please send the greatest of respect and honor and appreciation from our home in the Appalachian mountains to the Wotuja people that are willing to share their knowledge in this great time of need. The elders that still remember the ways of the people from before the division of humans and nature should be honored, and received.
Please let them know there are students out here, that we are open to their teachings, and that we are willing to do the work to take care of our home. Tell them we are doing our best to walk in beauty on the land, with all of nature, and we are ready to learn more.
Teach us the stories, Teach us the songs, help us remember where we all come from, and that we are all still connected.
Most of all, we are grateful.

¡¡¡Dar gracias!!! ¡¡Estamos agradecidos por este puente !! Por favor envíe el mayor respeto, honor y aprecio desde nuestro hogar en las montañas Apalaches a la gente de Wotuja que está dispuesta a compartir sus conocimientos en este gran momento de necesidad. Los ancianos que todavía recuerdan los caminos de la gente desde antes de la división de los seres humanos y la naturaleza deben ser honrados y recibidos.
Hágales saber que hay estudiantes aquí, que estamos abiertos a sus enseñanzas y que estamos dispuestos a hacer el trabajo para cuidar de nuestra casa. Dígales que estamos haciendo todo lo posible para caminar en la belleza de la tierra, con toda la naturaleza, y estamos listos para aprender más.
Enséñanos las historias, enséñanos las canciones, ayúdanos a recordar de dónde venimos y que todavía estamos conectados.
Sobre todo, estamos agradecidos.

 5 years ago  

Your words reminded me why I help them, grateful for your understanding and for your welcome. I am sending these messages right now to Rafael, the grandfather's son, so that he can communicate it to the grandfather, I am sure that they will receive your message with much love! Thank you very much!🙏♥️

¡Buen trabajo! Muy importante que no se pierdan sus conocimientos y también que estén disponibles en Internet

sobre todo en estos momentos de tantas noticias tristes, espero que este sea un espacio de luz y esperanza, gracias por tu mensaje.

¡Seguro lo será!

 5 years ago  

How blessed we are, that you are sharing this wonderful wisdom with us and helping to preserve it on the blockchain. This knowledge is so valuable. I love how you have stated how we are all helping one another, building bridges, connecting for we are all one. Many Blessings to you sister xxxxxx

Thankyou for your beautiful words and for understanding

that's what make this currency different, the bridges we made also includes spirituality and values, so, it's an honor to be sharing this information, as you said, invaluable, and so needed that it arrives the time to spread it and calibrate the earth, i hope this energy causes some positive social impact in all of us and help us to back to our roots

Excelente post, lo que sea para ayudar al abuelo, muy buen contenido @auelitairene , el abuelo debe estar feliz por el trabajo que se está haciendo, bendiciones y adiwa

 5 years ago  

Adiwa, por la falla en la conexión no he podido comunicarme con ellos, pero se que en cuanto les diga van a estar muy contentos. Gracias por pasarte y comentar, lindo sentir el apoyo.

 4 years ago  

Wonderful to see the support for keeping the knowledge alive and connecting with the technologies we have today to bring this knowledge to HIVE. Very happy this is happening and I look forward to learning more about this way of life!