Hey there! Yeah I was thinking of bending some chicken wire around a bit and using to support the actual vegetables and foliage with the view to save space through height. I've only just planted out so I'll not have to worry about it for a while.
That kid huh? Garden helper or devil-spawn? (You can say both. I was.) Lol.
I like that chicken wire idea. That method should help save quite a bit of space.
Hee hee! I’m going to stick with garden helper. 👀😜
Good choice. I'm really an 😇
Yeah, I'll play around with the chicken wire a bit, might take a while to get it right.
Lol!! I know you are. 😊😉
I hope it works for you. It will be nice reading your updates ~
I'll post my success! (And failure if it happens.)