This was incredible to read! Thank you so much for sharing!
I loved looking at all the very inspiring photos. I relate to your post a lot, especially the writing as a therapy part.
Very interesting your dream with the tigers. I got caught at the detail of you observing from a safe distance. I've been reading a lot about dreams and I think the observing in the distance might be you wanting to join but still being careful about it - maybe the tigers are a new challenge that is coming and you are wary to join because it looks dangerous / out of your comfort zone?
(please, don't go running with tigers IRL. I don't think it's safe)
Obrigado obrigado pelas suas simpáticas palavras
I thought I already replied to this comment but perhaps I dreamt about it ;>)
I will keep your possible explanation of my dream in mind and will keep my eyes open for upcoming challenges .
And no worries, I won't run with tigers
Um abraço