pretty cool how clearing of one's own thoughts can lead to dramatic changes very quickly huh?
The sizing of the situation is important, it is possible to see and know too much, quiet down the channels that drain your energy and focus on growth. Every machine needs maintenance to work in optimal conditions, a detailed review at all levels of your life is imperative. Renounce the old and damaged, replace dysfunction for efficacy, discipline yourself. Managing your resources requires that you know them, observe the synergies, the coherences, the patterns, the points of intersection. Unravel the tapestry, read the fine print, go to the detail, understanding is also action. Do what you have to do, without doubting or tarrying. The circumstance warrants irrevocable measures. The Net ensnares any barred door if we handle the nodes appropriately.
Totally has been my flow the past 4-5 days. I am achieving things I only imagined of doing not for another year.
Glad you are doing well bro!
Yes! And realizing that such depth and flow is always available when we just choose to be, is a great blessing. Thanks for the comment, man! It's really awesome that you find this service useful!