Spirituality : Find Your True Self - Find Your Dharma

Namastay World

We are one
We often talk to each other
We know each other very well!
I am talking to you, the one who is reading this! Yes You


Let's do one experiment
Try to imagine my voice(male voice) and from now onwards read this post in that voice in your mind. Please do it for me and you'll get to know what I am actually trying to tell you.


The more you'll find it outside The more you'll Lose it

So before I talk about what Spirituality meant to me, I just want to talk about the difference between Religion and Dharma

I am a follower of Sanatan Dharma and the majority of people calls it Hinduism and treat it like any other religion. Hinduism is not a religion, It was and is Sanatan Dharma always but the history of the Indian subcontinent was so bloody, almost every invader who invaded this land destroyed every books and scripture which were the source of this Dharmic Knowledge.

Let it be, That's Past and Today we'll talk about Present and would try to shape our future

Did you ever hear about the religion of Dogs? The religion of Lions? The religion of Planets?

sounds weird? but don't you think it's a very important question?

If God made everything and every creature and the religion and its holy book which you follow are the own words of God then why does God always talk about us, Humans? What about other creatures?

Whereas the concept of Dharma is different and it's for every creature in this universe. Dharma defines what one should do in order to sustain this whole universe. Let's talk with few examples

Let's take earth and try to find what would be its Dharma? To rotate on its axis and revolve around the sun? Every celestial body in-universe is following the same dharma i.e. revolving around which have higher mass than itself? isn't it? What if suddenly every planet and star get the power of "Free Will"?

Let's Take Lion and try to find out what would be its Dharma? To hunt a deer? To hunt a bison? If you are a fan of wildlife then you must be aware of the fact that Lions hunt a particular deer or bison from its crowd, That prey might be the oldest, weakest or Infected. In this way, Lion is maintaining the order of stable nature! Interesting?


For him the world is totally different from your Imagination

We humans may have more than one Dharma that depends upon our relationships and responsibilities. Like the dharma of a father is to gather food and shelter for his family and for that he needs money. For that money, let's assume he is working as a guard in the bank from 9 AM to 8 PM. Now for that particular frame of time, his duty is his Dharma. Likewise, Dharma is subjective and it's very important that everyone follow their dharma to maintain stability in life and the universe.

If you do what your dharma says then it is Good Karma and If you don't do what your dharma say then that's Bad Karma.

Yes, even the Dharma of a soldier is to protect his national boundaries and in order to perform that dharma if he had to kill any intruder, then also that would be counted as good karma.


What Could be the Dharma of a Monk?

Till Now whatever I wrote over here is totally connected with what spirituality meant to me, let me explain further in short

Spirituality is related to Spirit and upliftment of that spirit is the main goal of spirituality, though it's related to religion yet its essence resides in dharma.


What Could be the Dharma of a Mother?

The more you'll find yourself, The more you'll get spiritually enlightened. In this crowd of fake relationships and extreme desires, we tend to do what is not meant for us or what is not as per our Dharma which ultimately blocks our path of spiritual enlightenment and put a shadow on our real self.

The day you would find yourself would the day of your spiritual enlightenment and to find yourself you have to find your Dharma. You don't have to do meditations or other fancy practices to achieve it.
even just doing your regular duties with good karma would take you to your destination.

Sanatan Dharma says that there is one "Paramatma" i.e. The Supreme Soul which gave birth to every living and non-living creature. We all are connected and a part of that supreme soul.

In Bhagwad Gita, Krishna says that this whole world is Mithya (Illusion) and Only Brahman (you) is Satya(True).


That's It for this article!
I might be able to help you understand something about my views on spirituality.
If your brain still has few questions then I would be happy to know that, so feel free to comment down below!

BTW Did you completed that experiment? Which I tell you at the beginning of this post.

her postI came to know about this contestI would like to thank @regenerette, because of . I would also like to Thank @naturalmedicine, @miriannalis, @lotusshares for such a wonderful topic to talk about and discuss in the form of contest.

Thank You For Reading

All Pics are Shot by me using my smartphone

See you in Dreams, when this Mithya World would be dissolved in darkness and where only you and I would be True in the form of Brahman


Posted on NaturalMedicine.io


This is an exceptional article!
I love the little monk, praying and staying there. I felt an instant urge to hug him! To be close to him!

The natural laws of hunting go beyond the human ability to use our ration. Animals and instincts have their different universal order.
We were given a cognitive feature to reach further than being instinctual and acting upon it as savages in...disorder. We were given the mild tool of thinking to reach our core beliefs and to travel back to the body, back to the heart, back to our true self, back to being alive on true living high frequencies!
@hunter-yogi, thank you for participating!

You gave us a nice insight into Karm/Dharma and your personal beliefs.

With appreciation,


Humans are victims of "Free Will" which is ultimately creating destruction.

Thank You for reading and sharing your thoughts.

Time is Now


Great post. When I read the Ramakatha years ago, I was astonished by the concept of Dharma, couldn't quite grasp it, it felt like Truth beyond Law or Justice. Rama accepted exile willingly but his father grew ill, resisting the necessity of fulfilling the promise he'd made. His inability to let go of his son made him almost fail his given word.

Later on, I understood what that meant when I found my own Dharma, my Purpose and Star, which has been the organizing thread of my personal process since. Discipline in our Path is Self-Love and brings Freedom.

Thank you for the gorgeous images as well!

Thank You so much for sharing yourr wonderful experience.
I am glad to hear that you read Ramcharitmanas and understood it's teaching of Dharma and Karma. Many religions claim their followers that they'll reach heaven if they behave like what they wrote! But we humans forget about a simple truth that without body there is no feelings or emotions attached to a soul, so after death there is no importance of hell or heaven.
We are already living in heaven and Earth is only known heaven till now for humans, which we are destroying and converting into hell!
I wish some day people forget religious extremism and find a way to live like Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam.

Thank you for sharing this wisdom. I imagine it is a man's voice. :)

That's really great
I hope from now onwards this Voice would guide to take important decisions in your life.
If someday you feel like Deja-Vu then don't blame me 😉🤪

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 4 years ago  

Wow, I am so grateful for your participation.

I loved every line of your post, I really enjoyed it, I don't have much knowledge about Sanatan Dharma and you have really piqued my interest.

I agree with those premises regarding fulfilling your Dharma to accumulate good karma, and that spirituality is the path of the development of the Spirit.

I loved your post, I hope you can continue to write about these topics, I will love to read you.

Blessings ✨

Your words made my day
I am really happy that you find it worth enough
I'll continue writing on Sanatan Dharma
Thank You so much for giving time and sharing such a motivational comment. 😊

 4 years ago  

I liked it very much!!! It is very interesting to learn new points of view and this Dharma approach really caught my attention.

I hope you keep sharing good content like this in our Community.

Blessings ✨

I love to promote Dharma and Humanity
I'll surely add more and more value to our Tribe in coming days
Thank You soo much for appreciations 😊

 4 years ago  


Incredible man, awesome, fantastic, you are doing it great, I didn't knew a lot of this info, thanks for sharing! Indeed this way of connection take place on the roots of our conduct flowing trought that and arriving to our conciousness self, incredible way to explain it man! Thanks!