Benefits and bad effects of eating bean sprouts


Bean sprouts are plants derived from green bean seeds or also called soybeans. And in the following, we will discuss some of the benefits of bean sprouts for health and the negative effects that arise from consuming excessive bean sprouts.

Benefits of bean sprouts


1. Prevent constipation

The first benefit of this bean sprout plant is that it can prevent constipation, this is because the bean sprouts contain a lot of fiber and water content so that it can facilitate digestion and prevent constipation.


2. Stabilizes blood sugar.

The next benefit of consuming this bean sprout is that it can stabilize blood sugar, this is because in the bean sprouts it contains antioxidants and nutrients where the content contained in this bean sprout plant can control our blood sugar, and of course with a note not to be consumed in excess.

3. Maintain immunity

The next benefit of consuming this bean sprout is that it turns out to be able to maintain immunity or also called body immunity, this is because in bean sprouts in addition to containing antioxidants and protein which are quite high in bean sprouts also contain vitamin C and folic acid where these substances are very good for maintaining immunity


In addition to some of the benefits contained in bean sprouts which of course are very good for our body's needs, bean sprouts also have some bad effects if consumed in excess, what are they?? LET'S SEE.

1) Inhibits digestion

The first benefit of bean sprouts, as we discussed above, is that it can improve digestion, but what happens if it is consumed in excess.?? What happens is the opposite, which inhibits digestion, the fiber content in it can turn into a bad impact if consumed in excess.


2) Lowering blood levels

In contrast to the second benefit of bean sprouts that we have discussed above, if the above benefits can stabilize blood sugar, then if consumed in excess then all the content contained in it will turn negative.



A lot of foods that are beneficial, if taken to excess can be detrimental. The same thing goes for herbs. There are plants that are medicines in small doses but poisons in too high of a dose. It's important we balance everything out, balance out our nutrition with variety so we don't overdo it and overdose on anything that can help us stay healthy if ingested moderately.