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RE: Hurt People

I think we have to start with ourselves. If we focus on the collective level first, it is demoralizing, because we can't evolve other people. They are operating at the level of development they have, and we can't raise them. All we can do is develop ourselves further and be able to teach from our example, or at least live as someone contributing what we want more of and not amplifying what we want less of in the world.

I've been pulling back from awareness of what's going on in the US. For one thing, I already know exactly what I am to do and am doing it and planning to do it. I focus more on people I have had personal relationships with. I'm an energy worker, so as my understanding of what I wrote in this post evolves, it inspires me to extend healing energy to people I remember harming even decades ago.

Like a woman who hired me for my first full time job. It was at this really toxic company and I hated the management there. A year later I got a better job and left this really hateful resignation letter, calling out management. What I didn't realize at the time was how much that hurt her, because she had hired me. I remember the last time I saw her, the pain on her face. Even though it was many years later that I understood why, and I don't even remember her name anymore, I was still able to send her healing energy for the pain I caused, as well as my new understanding and contrition for having hurt her. It took several minutes to fully clear the energy, but I stayed with the pain of it until it turned bright again. Letting myself feel the pain that I caused is the least that I could do, but not in a way that just moves into that pain and settles in it, clearing it.

Similarly we can release those who have harmed us, even if we don't recall their names anymore.

And of course, for people in our lives now, we can write them a letter to express our contrition or forgiveness. If we can do this without expecting anything in return, then it really is a healing act that affects the collective in a positive way. If we know such a letter would do more harm then good, we can write it but not send it.

I hope this helps. ❤️

 5 years ago  

That absolutely makes sense. It's easy to get caught up in the big things, and forget that it all starts with us. If we all focus on our own energy, it will impact the bigger picture in a remarkable way, one little act at a time. I think that is a wonderful reminder to focus on my own work and not so much on everything else. Thank you!