Aceh cake

This is a typical Aceh cake. Every day this cake is in the land of Aceh. On big days like Eid Al-Fitr, Eid Al-Adha, you must be loyal to accompany the pastries which are neatly arranged on the table. This Timphan is made 1 or 2 days before Eid and its durability can reach approximately a week. Timphan is the main dish menu for guests visiting the house during Eid.

If you are curious to know how to make timpan cakes, here are the ingredients and how to make timphan cakes:

Bahan Membuat Kue Timpan :

  • Tepung ketan 200 gr
  • Pisang raja dihaluskan 250 gram
  • Santan kental 2 sdm
  • Garam1/4 sdt
  • Air kapur sirih 1 sdm

Bahan Isi:

  • Nangka masak cincang kecil 25 gr
  • Telur ayam 2 butir
  • Santan kental 50 ml
  • Gula pasir 100 gr
  • Kelapa muda parut halus 50 gr
  • Tepung terigu ½ sdt
  • Daun pandan 1 lembar
  • Vanilli ¼ sdt.

How to Make Cake Timpan:

  • The first step, Making the dough for the skin: Combine all the basic ingredients by stirring the glutinous rice flour and mashed banana and don't forget to add the coconut milk along with lime and salt water until well blended. After that you put it aside for a while.
  • Next, make the contents: Beat the eggs and sugar until thick to hear a mixer or the like (generally women in Aceh knead it by hand if they don't have a mixer) then add the flour and thick coconut milk. Then stir until blended and add the ripe jackfruit (which has previously been chopped into small pieces) and finely grated young coconut then you give the pandan leaves. Then cook until thick, after that remove and add vanilla then you mix well again. Once cooked, then cool it and use it later as the contents of the timpan cake.
  • Finally, take a young banana leaf that has been previously cut into one size timpan cake. Then grease with oil, then thin the skin mixture on top of the leaves. After that, give the dough the contents then roll and wrap, then steam until cooked for about 10 minutes. Then after your eyes, your homemade timpan cake is ready to be served.

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