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RE: Unbalanced - Life In Suriname ⚖️ 2 Years And Still Unable To Adapt 🙅‍♂️

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

All this red tape is what we call "civilized" too, always found that ironic. I am definitely an ethical person, but I don't hesitate to break any laws I find unethical, of course after weighing the chances of getting caught. I just wish we could have 4 matching passports and documents to show we are a legit family, and hopefully we can make this happen before the girls turn 18.

It's crazy how all these things affect everything from insurance to who you can see in the hospital, or who can transit what airport, all ridiculous to me. Thanks for joining in on my rant, I feel less crazy now. I also feel your mutual frustration, but I can also feel the positive vibes and love too. If all goes well we'll be in Albania before long.


Posted on


I keep my fingers crossed for you guys and you are def not crazy.

And if you ever feel like ranting... here is a great place to do so...little niche but fun and healing to just get stuff of your chest once in a while 😁