There were the multiple processes of the body discussing among themselves which was the most valuable and some of them decided to go with Brahmin (one of the deities of the Hindu pantheon), and they asked him:
"Which is the most valuable of us all?
He answered:
"The one whose absence makes the body feel worse sooner should be the most valuable.
He left the speech (the tongue) and returned after a year and said "How could you survive without me? They replied: "Like the dumb, who do not speak with their tongue, but breathe, see with their eyes, hear with their ear, know and record with their mind. This is how we have lived." Then speech was integrated again into the body.
The vision (the eyes) went away and came back after a year and asked: "How could you survive without me? They answered: "Like the blind, who do not see with their eyes, but speak with their tongue, they breathe, hear, know and record with their mind. This is how we have lived." Then the eyes were integrated.
The hearing (the ears) went away and came back after a year and, likewise, he asked: "How could you survive without me? They answered: "Like the deaf who do not hear with their ears, but breathe, see with their eyes, speak with their tongue, know and record with their mind. This is how we have lived." Then hearing also entered the body again.
The mind went away and came back after a year and said: "How could you survive without me? They replied: "Like madmen, who neither know nor record with a healthy mind, but breathe, see with their eyes, speak with their tongue, hear with their ear, reproduce with their seed. Thus we have lived. Then the mind returned to the body.
Finally, the breath, when it was slowly leaving the body, tore all those others to pieces, feeling all the life going with it. At that moment, they understood.
And, finally accepting it, they said:
"No, please don't go. We can't live without you for a couple of minutes. In short, you are very valuable."

It helps us improve cell metabolism.
We learn to better manage stress and anxiety, when it occurs, through slow breathing that calms the mind.
We find the state of sleep easier and faster and with it, we allow the body to restore itself better.
The digestive process becomes less burdensome.
We greatly reduce muscular pain due to increased oxygenation of the blood, and we suffer less from headaches and migraines.
By taking care of our breathing more efficiently, we are better able to concentrate on our tasks.
To be able to perform better breathing, the body requires better posture and better breathing relaxes the muscles more, so, the posture is gradually and subtly corrected until it is much better.
The pain in the back decreases.
By developing full attention to the breath and cultivating concentration on the breathing process, we improve our ability to focus more effectively and quickly on "the here and now".
Buddha declared:
"He who is attentive is alive, but he who is not attentive is as though already dead."
So, be attentive to your breath, every moment.
Remember that to become a master at something, we must practice it with a lot of discipline and dedication.
Thank you so much for reading me.
I am Julio Cesar Arvelo, practitioner and teacher of Ashtanga Yoga and Meditation.
- If you liked this post and want to continue reading me, welcome to follow me.
- All the images were made by me, through
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MINDFUL LIFE is a Natural Medicine project which supports meditators on HIVE
Discord II Community
And breathe.
I spoke with someone today who is dying and starting to panic about breathing. It is everything, and nothing. We just have to be aware, and release it. When it stops, we do not need to struggle, but relax.
Tomorrow I will spend the day with my dying man making herbal medicine, and I will give him this to read.
Lovely. Much gratitude.
Would you like to share a healing meditation with him? If you want, we can talk about it and prepare a meditation like this for him.
Let me know, I'd be happy to help you.
What is he dying of?
He has stage 4 pancreatic cancer with 4 nodes on his liver and 1 on his right lung. He's somewhat in denial right now but spending the day with me tomorrow to brew him some pain meds. Thank you. When he's receptive to some meditations I shall be sure to ask. x
He's still very much DOING DOING DOING and panicking when his blood oxygen levels drop. It's going faster than he's ready for....
Appreciate your offer of support.
Likewise, we can do the meditation for him, even if he does not perform it. You can do it, and people close to him can do it. That he feels that love and dedication to it, at this time, I'm sure it will help and strengthen him. At least it will lessen his pain, with love.
Yesterday we met in discord precisely to do this meditation for the breast of a friend who has pancreatic cancer, with metastasis in several organs and affected lung. We were 15 people dedicating their intention and meditative practice exclusively to heal her.
It is a very powerful meditation, so I really make myself available.
Oh.. what a powerful thing. You are also welcome to do meditations in the NM Discord xx
@porters here on behalf of @NaturalMedicine – That is a lovely story to show the importance of breath plus all those other benefits you shared. Just what i needed to member to focus on the breath and become more present in the moment!
, which you can read about here. There's 100 HIVE on offer & lots of LOTUS to win!
Thank you for the offering. I will see that challenge
Well said,
I'm just off to sit down and breath myself!
Great!!! I am happy to know others meditators here!
Great parable. We too often take the breathe fir granted, but its the most powerful gift.. lifeforce, prana, chi, whatever you call it - it brings vitality and calm. Love this post x
That's right, we breathe on average about 17,000 times a day, and we don't pay attention to a single one of those times, almost never.
And that would make a big difference in our lives. I wish we had more and more opportunity to connect with ourselves that way.
I had problems of anxiety stress and a lot, deep breathing helped me a lot before consulting a doctor.