Wow, what a long and detailed reply. Love it. Thank you.
In regards to the cream: To make the cream you need the petals of Calendula officinalis. I figured you have them in your beautiful garden. These amazing wild flowers grow everywhere, we just don't know how to use them properly aka to benefit our health.
Here's a really simple recipe with coconut oil:
It's in German therefore make sure you enable the translation feature. As I mentioned above you can also use argan oil or olive oil. I use this cream in winter a lot; it makes a great lip balm. So simple and so effective. Try it out and let me know if it helped you.
I'm glad the biocircuit is helping you and I absolutely want to hear more about your progress. My only question is this: If you're using several tools / devices, how can you isolate the effects of this one? I know it's super difficult to attribute a healing pattern to a single device if one uses a plethora of tools. If this is the only tool you're currently deploying, than you'll get more accurate results.
Thanks for the cream info!
To answer your question at the end I have done two sessions with the wands only to rule out the possibility that it is them creating the sensations. And I felt nothing like this without the copper wires in place.
It is however true to say that even with all orgonite pyramids removed from the room, our bed still has a magnetised cable under the mattress! Which may also be playing a role. Particularly as I am lying exactly over the top of it with my head facing north. It's a bit of a pain to uninstall so yeah, I left it there knowing I have tried lying on it in the past without any noticeable effects.
I suppose in the end am not terribly interested in proving anything to anyone now that I can see Eeman wrote so many books which are packed full of very careful and organised testing along with hundreds of testimonials. This evidently works so what I am doing is incorporating the technique into my daily routine along with all the other things I don't have time for each day ;)
Meditation/wand time/biocircuit session/magnetised cable combo!