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RE: From Rhizome, to Potted Plant, to Harvest ~ Growing My Own Turmeric for Food and Medicine

Nice post. I hope that these tips can help you to get the most from your Turmeric.

Turmeric is a wonderful healer, especially when combined with Ginger to help disperse its properties throughout the body and help move it around. A touch of Black Pepper is renowned for activating its properties and boosting them in a synergistic way.

It works best when in an oil, as the Curcumin is oil soluble. You get some benefit in water but its nowhere near as potent.

Let us all know how you go.


I have heard that before about combining turmeric with ginger and black pepper. Now I am wishing that I had added that info into this post. In the next few days I plan to share about my harvest of ginger roots so maybe that would be a good time to include more about combining with other herbs.

Thanks so much for the information and support, it is always nice to communicate with other herbal enthusiasts here on Hive!!

It's great to share knowledge about herbs.

Formulation is a fascinating artform, mixing herbs tigether to maximise the benefits of a brew. It's often prudent to add a herb to a mix that has a specific function (like Ginger for dispersing or Mugwort to carry the benefits deeper into the body) or an affinity For a specific organ or system (eg Nettles for the kidneys) to help carry the benefits directly to where you want to use them.

I was inspired by your post to wrote one of my own about a classic mix of Yarrow, Peppermint and Elder Flower. Thanks!