Saludos a toda la colmena
Hii everyone in Hive 🙏
Accepting that the world has a long time to walk in the dark, seeing the chaos generating manipulation over each person's mind. Where the truth hides under some rags waiting to be revealed. Even more worrying is the hypocrisy we see every day, sometimes without being able to identify what we really feel. The spirit is running out of resources to live a life that is fully reflected outwardly.

Pero, donde existe oscuridad; existirá también la luz, así somos una danza de energías que fluctúan al vaivén de los campos, y dependerá de cada ser humano escoger su sendero a vivir.
But Where darkness exist; there will be light too. We are a dance of energy that fluctuate in the fields and depends to each human being choose the way that they want to live.

In the first section of Yoga World we talk about "Duality". A perspective that it was necessary to raise in order to understand in itself what Yoga means.
¿Que es el Yoga? 🔯 What is Yoga?
Patanjali's Yoga Sutra are ancient texts copied over 2000 years ago. Explains in a very detailed way through 4 chapters how to free ourselves from the human suffering that brings with it the sense of separation with our divinity; Yoga being a path to the realization and liberation.
The word Yoga Yuj means to unite, concentrate or join. Defining itself as a deep state of serenity, mental concentration and union achieved by the practitioner, through a series of disciplined practices.

Gathering all our references we could say that Yoga is the union of our duality, being fully conscious of this integration. In other words, we educate the mind, body and spirit for total liberation from human suffering and attachment.
¿Comó ha sido mi experiencia personal? 🔯 How was my personal experience?
Beyond the realization of the yoga positions. I was in absolute depth, providing me with well-being, reducing my anxiety, my mental confusion and discordant thoughts. Improved my vision with myopia; as well as my right leg after two osteotomies.
Most surprising of all are the gifts that you awaken with each practice. From clairaudience to clairvoyance, increased intuition, empathy and innate emotional intelligence.
And we got to the best part ¡the yogis! I met beings with extraordinary qualities, people who share with you their passion to this transition; forming a network of transformation for a better world.

Gracias por leer colmena
Como toda práctica requiere de nuestra voluntad y amor
nos vemos en el próximo post
Thanks for your support
Like every practice we need courage and love
See you at the next post

Camara: Xiaomi Redmi 8
Referencias Bibliográficas: Sánchez, Joana, and Coll, Mireia Patiño "Anatomía & Yoga", Editorial Paidotribo México, 2018.Photography: @lizbetcontreras @armonirritmia
Welcome to Hive @lizbetcontreras - you've had quite an intense journey with yoga, it would seem. Look forward to hearing a lot more about how you think yoga has contributed to so much change, how long you have practiced and what exactly has been most helpful for what.
Thank u so MUCH! In this blog I will show eveything about it! Practices, routines. I have 3 years doing yoga! And the change are really really Amazing! Thats why I don't talk so much details in this post because I want to explain it step by step! Thanks again <3 @artemislives
Me interesa hacer Yoga, se ve muy Relajante. Gracias por compartir.
hola! @ronaldrio2007 gracias por leer!! pendiente de los post que voy a compartir, con practicas, posturas estiramientos respiración, meditación para que puedan practicarlo! Saludoos <3
Hola! me fijé de algo que quizas no habias visto y es que publicaste tu post dentro de una comunidad pero no dentro de tu propio blog, lo sé porque si visito tu blog ( lo que veo son dos publicaciones de hace mas de una semana pero desde la sección de "all post" en peakd es que se ve tu contenido en el perfil ( para que se vea en ambos sitios basta con darle reblog a tu propio post
poco a poco me voy acercando más a esa disciplina, poco a poco voy estirando mi cuerpo y llegar a tocar mis pies con buena postura sería un éxito!
Hola! Ando nueva en esto.. tu recomendación seria postearlo desde Peakd? y aparecerá en todas? si me hace falta un tutorial para posteo es confuso! Por aquí estaré dando buenos consejos para estiramientos y desde la silla de tu compu mucho mejor! jeje Saludos!
Oye, es un post muy interesante, felicitaciones.