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RE: Onions to the Rescue - I can breathe again!

in Natural Medicine5 years ago (edited)

I was also sorry to have to revert back to reflux meds again but still have to be careful about what I eat and of course not eat late at night!
We're in a 5 week lockdown so had to close the bnb, good and bad thing, but so far there are not too many cases here. They're doing a study that our decades long BCG (for TB) vaccination program is possibly protecting South Africans and that may be the reason we've been spared, but then we were also in summer and the virus doesn't like heat, winter's on its way though. Just praying it stops but sounds like it could go on for quite some time. The Spanish flu of 1918 lasted 2 years!
Gosh I can just imagine the change in your home with a toddler!
We're all going through real crazy times, our youngest son left his job and came back home for a sabbatical but then went to Orenburg in Russia for a working holiday. Their city doesn't have many cases but he's flying home, hopefully, early May and will be at Moscow airport for a long stopover, very worried as that city has many cases! His original flight was cancelled!
You're right, we're living in crazy times!
Take care my friend;)