Celebrating the Best of Lotus Indonesia #2: A Botanical Education, Mojito Mint, and Jamu


Hal-hal alami yang menyehatkan ada di sekitar kita. Juga tentang hal-hal yang bukan hanya menutrisi tubuh kita tetapi juga pikiran kita.

Kali ini bersama @anggreklestari, Kami @lotusindonesia mengajak Anda untuk membaca beberapa postingan yang dibagikan di komunitas @naturalmedicine dan menggunakan hastag #LotusIndonesia.

Stay tuned!

Healthy natural things are all around us. Also about things that nourish not only our bodies but also our minds.

This time with @anggreklestari, we @lotusindonesia invite you to read some of the posts shared in the @naturalmedicine community and use the hashtag #LotusIndonesia.

Stay tuned!



@abdulhamids membagikan pengalamannya belajar banyak hal dari membangun a botanical education dan fakta-fakta menarik tentang kehidupan di sana.

Yuk baca postingannya: To Build a Botanical Education | let see our garden

@abdulhamids shared his experience of learning many things from building a botanical education and interesting facts about life there.

Check out his post: To Build a Botanical Education | let see our garden



@aswita mengajak kita untuk membuat minuman Mojito Mint yang menyegarkan sekaligus memiliki manfaat alami bagi kesehatan tubuh.

Yuk baca postingannya: Boost Your Mood With Mojito Mint

@aswita invites us to make Mojito Mint drinks that are refreshing and have natural benefits for our health.

Check out her post: Boost Your Mood With Mojito Mint.



@razack-pulo berbagi cerita perjalanan tentang menikmati berbagai bahan. Manajemen hotel menyediakan pojok jamu di restoran tersebut. Itu juga sebagai cara untuk mempromosikan minuman budaya Indonesia kepada tamu asing, sebagaimana kita ketahui bahwa jamu merupakan salah satu warisan budaya Indonesia. Dan manfaat jamu yang terkenal jelas untuk kesehatan, kebugaran, dan pencegahan berbagai penyakit metabolisme.

Yuk baca postingannya: Assorted Jamu, The Natural Drink Served at a Five Stars Hotel

@razack-pulo shared the travel story about enjoying various ingredients. The hotel management provides jamu corner at the restaurant. It’s also the way to promote Indonesian cultural drink to foreign guests, as we have already known that jamu is one of Indonesia’s cultural heritage. And the well-known benefits of Jamu is obvious for health, fitness, and prevention of many metabolic diseases.

Check out his post: Assorted Jamu, The Natural Drink Served at a Five Stars Hotel


Every curation, @lotusindonesia will set a 5 percent beneficiary to ONE person featured here. This week it goes to @abdulhamids. Thanks for your hard work and good content!


Tantangan #2: GREEN CHALLENGE!Jangan lupa untuk mengikuti tantangan terbaru dari @lotusindonesia:



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Congrats for nominies...

Yeay, makasih banyak #lotusindonesia.. 🥰

 4 years ago  

Wow, great curation, and in dual language as well! Loved those posts and well done @abdulhamids

Yeay.. thank you 🥳🥳💟

Waah, thanks a lot :)