Not only are blueberries absolutely delicious they are great for us, I wish I consumed more as an young child. This berry is a very popular berry and so it should be, this fruit is packed with antioxidants!!! Antioxidants protect your body from free radicals, which are unstable molecules that can damage your cells and contribute to aging and diseases, such as cancer this is a FACT. This fruit is beleived to have the highest antioxidant levels of ALL fruits and vegetable's i havent done enough research to call this a fact though, however Blueberries have been shown to directly increase antioxidant levels in your body.blueberries belong to a family of polyphenols antioxidants called flavonoids


This sexy fruit has been known to reduce ageing as its balance's out oxidative dna damage Because blueberries are high in antioxidants, they can neutralize some of the free radicals that damage your DNA. I mix blueberries in my smoothie every morning before I go gym and I have a perfect reason why and it's not only that it will make me look younger.



I use blueberries before I go gym because it's known to help deal with muscle pains after a workout it feel nice to know I wont be in pain in the morning ,to be honest it don't get rid of all pain however it definitely reduces it that's why i love it so much. Strenuous exercise can lead to muscle soreness and fatigue.
This is driven partly by local inflammation and oxidative stress in your muscle tissue
Blueberry supplements may lessen the damage that occurs at a molecular level, minimizing soreness and reduced muscle performance.
In a small study in 10 female athletes, blueberries accelerated muscle recovery after strenuous leg exercise however i never did this experiment


Blueberries can be eaten freshly picked or incorporated into a variety of recipes. They can also be purchased frozen. I even heard that if you freeze them it rise's the antioxidant's however I don't have enough research on this one either way they are great natural or frozen this fruit is a winner.
I'm addicted to pancakes and use blueberries to top waffles, pancakes, yogurt, oatmeal, or cereal, blend them in a smoothie or syrup, or fold them into muffins and sweet breads. Getting creative with fruits makes thing fun and exciting as well as healthy so give it a try.


Healthy skin lower blood pressure and healthy bones are just some of the other great benefit's of this super fruit. The berry family has some of the best tastes i think personally. When i blend coconut milk with a banana and blueberries it's a Kickstarter for me for the day no need for coffee.



One cup of fresh blueberries contains:
84 calories
0 g of cholesterol
1.1 g of protein
0.49 g of fat
21.45 g of carbohydrate
3.6 g of dietary fiber
14.74 g of total sugars
That same one-cup serving provides:
24 percent of daily vitamin C
5 percent of daily vitamin B6
36 percent of daily vitamin K
Blueberries also provide:
9 milligrams (mg) calcium
0.41 mg of iron
114 mg of potassium
9 mg of magnesium
18 mg of phosphorus
1 mg of sodium
0.24 mg of zinc
9 mg of folate

Now let that sink in for a second............

https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/10-proven-benefits-of-blueberries#section4 https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/287710#nutrition