Last year I experienced one of the worst things ever and it absolutely ruined me, it broke me down physically emotionally and mentally. I didn't know how I was going to get through it.Family friends and loved one helped me a lot, meditation however was a key part in getting my life back on track!!!
Naturally I'm a over thinker even when times are great I tend to try to look into the future or look at my past. I question everything which is sometimes not a good thing because I would forget to enjoy the present moment and I've done this countless amount of times.
Meditation came into my life a few years a go when I read the secret, even though it does not tell you to meditate It influenced me to. The majority of my life I would think things and I would connect my emotions to that thought automatically. Meditating made me aware that I'm not my thoughts they are just thoughts, I have the choice to entertain the thought .I have the choice to connect that thought to an emotion the power is with me at all times whether I like it or not! This is a hard pill to swallow however when I accepted the responsibility it changed my life , I'm now able to centre my energy relax and pick what thoughts I want to pay attention to. I wonder why I was never taught this in school it does piss me but that is just another thought that I have learnt not to pay attention to that much. Meditating have made me appreciate the NOW. This present moment whoever is reading this please learn from my mistake and enjoy the now because trust me the now turns into the past within millisecond's and that is super fast!!!
The more I meditate the more I've learnt to listen rather than to speak anybody can talk but I think the art of actually listening to what someone say is a skill which many people don't have. Meditating has also helped my relationship's with people because I would stop and think about what someone has done if I don't like it and meditate on it before I address the issue with them, this works because I present my case or argument/debate much clearer.
Meditating also consistently reminds me that everything is frequency and vibration and I must check on the type of vibe i am emitting in the room. How many times has you been in a room with a group of people then a person steps in the room and the whole vibe changes? or how many time have you been in a good mood then your partner comes bad from a long hard day of work in a bad mood and it affects your vibe? (vibration). How many times have you been in a bad mood then you listen to a song or a comedy show and by the end of it your energy is completely different, meditation will make you aware of this for sure anyway i hope this has helped someone.
please write in the comments if you meditate and what it has done for you as i would love to hear other people experience with this amazing practise.
Karl Christian-Findlay
peace love and unity
@trucklife-family here, thank you for sharing your experience with meditation with us all. I think it is a very important practice, especially now with how how things are.