Today, I'm going to do a photo dump of some of the amazing hot springs from Yellowstone National Park in America. There must be hundreds if not thousand of them here. Some are just tiny cracks, others are massive, like the world third largest as you'll see in a minute. I have tons of photos, and here's just a small selection where I've managed to match to their correct name. That was quite a challenge to do!!
I thought I'd also try out the new poll function from PeakD to see how that works. When you get to the end of the post, why not vote for your favourite hot spring. I may even have a surprise for one voter later on 😉
So here we go....
Ear Spring
What a creative name, but I wonder why they didn't call it the Bean or the Kidney 😉. Actually, I'm more impressed with the overflow or whatever it's correct scientific name is, than the actual spring here. Different types of organism lives in different types of springs based on the temperature of the spring water. At Ear Spring, the water is over 92 centigrade. Not sure what lives here, but it's spectacular, that's for sure.
Wow!! the colors are just spectacular!