She is the true expression of joyfulness! She is energetic and so dynamic. Play with her around the house is, surely, a fun time! When I lay down in bed or on the couch, she always comes and infiltrates her tiny little body under the sheets or blankets, and slips herself comfortably next to my chest to sleep deeply and calmly. She is my little vigorous angel, the one who keeps me moving and gives me such a pleasure to be living next to her!

Even though they are siblings, Tito is quite the opposite in terms of personality. He is really dependent and scared of noise. He is a little less curious than Margot, but still playful and runs through the house playing with her. He doesn't like to be lifted and carried in no one's arms, allowing it only for a very short period of time. But the interesting thing is: he is always at your feet asking for caress. He is a very true son of mine!
Tito and Margot were found in a vacant lot where they were discarded by a (in)human and left to die together with their mother and two other siblings. They were only one/two months old!
A friend of mine, very fond of animals, found them and took all to her home. She treated them and found homes to all of them. When I contacted her I was lucky to meet Tito and Margot and took them home. Now, they are safely living with me, receiving all the love I can give and all medical care I can possibly provide. They turned three years old last September 25th. They bring so much joy and love to my life!

This is the second time in my life I have pets and all of them were rescued and/or adopted; there was no money involved ever. Souls are not bought or traded, but cherished and cared.
Picture credits: These pictures belong to my personal archive.
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October 6th, 2020 Peace and All Good, @manandezo!
Wow! what beautiful babies, I love cats, I currently have 3. If I could I would have many more, but still the economy does not help me in this. But there are already four beautiful creatures in my house, my three cats and Lucero the new dog of the family. You have beautiful children, thank you for sharing the pictures, they look wonderful. <3
Beautiful. Puppy sales have gone up enormously here - so expensive!!!
@ganjafarmer will appreciate this post. Like you, he finds healing in animals. So many of us find solace and calm in our four legged friends!
Aww, so sweet! The furry ones are just as much family as the two-legged ones. We don't have any fur babies of our own right now, but I love getting to pet and snuggle with the pets of my family and friends when I can. Perhaps some day we will open our home to a little one in need, but until then I'll love them from afar. :)
I congratulate you for loving and respecting animals, they are as important as we are in divine creation. Like you, my pack (of eight furry children, cats and dogs), 90% are rescued animals; and all have their own character and personality, and all are inexhaustible sources of love and tenderness. A hug and blessings.
Te felicito por amar y respetar a los animales, ellos son tan importantes como nosotros en la creación divina. Al igual que tú, mi manada (de ocho hijos peludos, gatunos y perrunos), en un 90% es de animales rescatados; y todos tienen su propio carácter y personalidad, y todos son fuentes inagotables de amor y ternura. Un abrazo y bendiciones.