That is nice... I live in the city and will be moving soon in a new apartment... I always dream of living in a farm. We used to have an avocado farm that came with the property we bought in Andalucia, Spain . It was supposed to be a good farm of 300 trees in a slope of 4.2acres . But it was a costly undertaking because we were there only in winter time and I had to hire someone to take care of the farm... Water was no problem , we have installed automatic watering system that is run by a battery and the water comes from our tank with 100 cubic liter capacity.
But all these were so costly... An avocado tree needs plenty of water and water is expensive there... in the end , we sold the property 14 years ago in 2006. But the new owner didn´t want to cultivate the farm... they just have the property rented for holiday-tourists coming from the UK. It was a pity, they let the trees dried-up.
Many thanks for visiting.... would like to see your homestead and I will be visiting your account soon.