How to make ginger tea herbal - natural medicine

in Natural Medicine3 years ago


Drinking chrysanthemum ginger tea in the morning or evening can warm and refresh your body. Because of the ginger and lemon content it has a rather warm side effect. Thus making this ginger herbal tea, which is ideal for drinking when the weather is cold. And the cold usually happens in the morning and in the evening.


To make your morning and evening warm. You should be able to make your own gingerbread herbal tea at home. That's what I'm going to prescribe.


One liter of water.
2 fibers.
2 gingerbread.
One bag of tea.
One grapefruit leaf.
1 pair of honey-cakes.

The next step
That needs to be done is to prepare a tea and be served with warm water and then strike the leaflet and some ginger and put it in the warm tea and add honey as a sweetener. Then ready for enjoyment.




