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RE: Radiesthesia and Sanjeevini Healing

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

Thank you very much for sharing your healing experience and also the information about this method.

I haven't heard it before, I will check the link you shared.

I have years practicing Reiki and I make use of radiesthesia through the pendulum, I have studied other forms of healing but in practice I have concentrated on these two systems that I mentioned because I have felt more comfortable with them.

Greetings ✨


Yay, another Reiki practitioner! Reiki was my first introduction to energy medicine. Eventually I went to Reiki Master on that path, then also Johrei, which also arose from the primary practice of Medicine Buddha. I also received MB empowerments from all 4 lineages it is found in within Tibetan Buddhism. I say all this to say I have a very, very strong connection to that energy. How interesting that you do too and also to radiesthesia, which is new to me. May we both find deep resonance, support and utility in the radiesthesia practice offered through Sanjeevini.

 4 years ago  

wooo!! interesting your tour, I love it!! Amen 🙏, I hope it's an equally healing path for both of us and the people we can help with that technique, when I review the information I will surely be contacting you.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you ✨