It's a post with a very deep content that invites you to internalize many things. I think I'll read it a couple more times, I loved the phrases and all the reflection you built around them. I just wrote a post a couple of days ago about my vision of living in the present moment.
I loved this phrase "Only through the process of facing and then following the trail of what is in the shadow will you find your way to the source of the light".
And also when you say: "What it will do is set you on the path to the blessing latent within the challenge"
It is undoubtedly a blessing latent...
Thank you for this gift of life 🎁
Blessings and hugs
I'm glad it resonates with you. I flesh out my thoughts as I'm writing sometimes. This is a post I have to re-read myself. It's still brewing. Thanks for your comment.
How interesting, I feel that it is the same for me, writing in part is a reflection of my own experience, as if I were writing it for myself and without thinking I have had many "insights" in this way.
Your post besides having a deep content is really very beautiful 😍
Blessings ✨