I loved your publication!!!
The initial reflection of Balín Hopps certainly shows a stark reality that is very discouraging, however I feel that we cannot carry that burden of sadness because unfortunately it escapes our hands to take responsibility for a sleeping collective.
This does not mean that we will evade our responsibilities, or ignore them. All our actions have consequences and I think that acting from conscience, doing the right thing and contributing value every day with our actions is what we must do and what is most important.
Being congruent, as you say, is also key. How can we generate more awareness in this regard in the community? What are we lacking to achieve this‽ Is it perhaps a matter of ignorance?
I mean, I recycle and take care of the planet but I still shop on Amazon, very good point, it really made me think that there is still a long way to go to raise awareness.
Finally I think your last words are a gem, and it's a great summary of this reflections:
"At the moment man’s world is imposed upon the natural world, if anything happens to man’s world it happens to the natural world, if anything happens to the natural world and happens to man’s world. The two are completely dependent upon each other and affect each other. If man can, by changing his habits, find a sustainable way of living with this planet, instead of on it, the relationship Will change from a needy parasitic lust for power, to A harmonious, loving, symbiotic, relationship"
Wonderfull!!! 😍