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RE: Could You Be Prepared to Go Off Grid in These (Very) Uncertain Times?

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

So right now I am growing my own mushrooms (a couple different kinds). I also forage for them on hikes (though if there is any amount of uncertainty I won't eat them). Maybe not the exact same as being able to live off of the grid but it is definitely a start. I also have a book that covers the plants that naturally grow in the area where I live and what they can be used for (along with which ones to avoid). Therefore I would say my answer to the question of whether I could survive if things collapsed, yes I think I could survive.

However I am still really reliant on supply chains for a number of things so if everything collapsed tomorrow things would be rough but I do truly think I have what it would take to survive the adjustment period.

 4 years ago  

that is awesome!!!! And a start is EXCELLENT. Being able to forage and find your own food is a MUST, absolutely!!!!

I have watched enough zombie films to THINK I should be able to survive haha - but it's different in Australia for wild food that's for sure. where do you live?