Some people on HIVE would LOVE to write a #naturalmedicine post, but are not sure if we'd accept it. Thus, the curators have got together to give you a whole heap of inspiration for post ideas that are perfectly awesome under the natural medicine tag! We hope it helps!
Herbs, Plants, Cannabis, Foraging & Wildcrafting
- What herb do you grow in your garden for medicinal purposes and why?
- Share your journey to healing through the use of CBD oils
- Detail how to make a herbal medicine from a plant eg rosehip syrup, a fire cider, oxymel, healing balm, oil etc
- What is the scientific research behind 'x' plant?
- Describe the use of a plant used in a spiritual ritual
- What herbs address stress, hormones, the liver, the heart or any other particular organ or response?
- What cultural concerns might surround the use of a particular plant?
- Describe your foraging experience this week
- What wild food recipes can you share?
- What is your favourite wild food?
- Is wildcrafting always ethical?
Homesteading & Gardening
- Have you ever used hugelkultur, permaculture, wicking beds or other alternative gardening methods that really work?
- What alternatives can you use to commerical pesticides and herbicides that really work?
- Detail what's happening in your organic garden this month
- What alternative medicines or methods do you use to keep your livestock healthy?
- How do you repurpose things around the homestead?
- What methods do you use to preserve an abundant harvest?
- How do you garden to suit your climate?
- If you don't have a garden and instead grow in pots, either outdoors or indoors, tell us how you go about it
- Share a recipe for a meal you made with your produce from the garden/homestead
- What projects have you got going on your homestead or in the garden?
Mindfulness, Meditation, Self Help & Mental Health
- What is your favourite mindfulness practice?
- Record a yoga nidra or other meditative practice and upload to 3speak
- Have you ever tried Emotional Freedom Tapping - does it work?
- How can neuroscience inform meditative practices?
- How might we practice self love?
Vegan, Plant Based & Conscious Eating
- Which alternative milk is better for the planet?
- Do keto diets really work, and how?
- What's your favourite recipe book?
- How might non meat eaters address a low iron issue?
- If we really care about animals, would we eat meat or honey?
- Do you have a tasty vegan recipe with step-by-step instructions and photos?
- What are the reasons you have taken up a vegan/vegetarian/plantbased diet?
- What are your favorite herbs and spices and how do you use them in your dishes?
- How you do you veganize recipes that normally contain meat and what substitutes do you use?
Yoga, Dancing, Tai Chi & Other Moving Meditations/Therapies
- What is your experience with a somatic art that connects mind and body?
- What is the therapeutic benefit of art?
- How might yoga help with trauma & PTSD?
- What yoga poses are good for regulating hormones or addressing other body systems?
- Anything on chakra systems, yoga philosophy and texts eg Bhagavid Gita, Patanjali.
- Breakdown a pose or a sequence
- Describe your personal experience in healing from your chosen movement
General Fitness & Health
- What are your 'get fit' resolutions?
- What health issues are you addressing in alternative ways?
- How's your jogging plan going and are you noticing results?
- How might exercise be good for mental health?
Thankyou to our dear curators @drrune, @trucklife-family, @minismallholding and @justinparke for your help on this post. You've all recieved a part beneficiary for your troubles. Thankyou for your patience in doing it twice as the first draft was lost - you are so appreciated!
Earn Instantly For Writing Natural Health Content
Earn LOTUS and HIVE rewards for sharing your natural health content on If you don't already have a HIVE account, you can sign up for FREE
here. We support writers sharing about herbalism, TCM, yoga, meditation, vegan and other healthy diets, as well as earth centred practices such as foraging, permaculture and biodynamics - read more about us on our Welcome Page!
Thanks to @drrune, @trucklife-family, @minismallholding and @justinparke for these wonderful ideas and the valuable quality work they are doing. The community is growing, we are about to reach the goal of 3000 subscribers and I think this publication is important for newcomers. Wonderful! :D
Well, to be honest I didn't contribute much, I did in the first draft, but not this second one. Thank you, however, for the awesome vibe and that datum about subs, which is really a nice milestone!
Eres uno de los responsables de que la comunidad haya crecido como ahora, por eso siempre estaré agradecido. Abrazos. :)
Well you can always edit this and add a few more @drrune ..💛🤞🌹 Your work on the first draft helped very much!
This is a very helpful guide. Thank you.
i focus on herbal remedies and products like cannabis i think it works well with both Weedcash and natural medicine i got mentioned as the Top 10 users who have posted highest number of posts with naturalmedicine tag. might not be popular but I'm persistent.
Haha persistence is great. In fact when Weedcash started, they included naturalmedicine as one of their accepted platform tags, and we did the same with weedcash. We very much work together!
Thanks for clarifying @naturalmedicine, many times we doubt what we can publish, now we have more concepts to do it.
This is great. I always do wonder what might fit.
Fabulous.. good to be of service! I think this barely touches surface but hoping to give at least some idea! 💚
How about an experience with a sick animal, a dog in my case? I followed the vet's advice (three drugs), the dog got much worse, so I went rogue and he got better. Would that story be of any interest or value?
Absolutely!!!! In.fact natural pet health is awesome. I will add it to this post!
I would love to hear about how you "went rogue." I know a friend of mine used CBD oil for her dog who had an inoperable tumor for years and so she dealt with a lot of pain, and it worked really well!
I hope to make a post about it. Have started. It will take a few days. First step was to take doc's diagnosis and figure out what to do about it myself. Most important steps so far were to discontinue dog food and the meds the doctor prescribed, and intermittent fasting. My dog got instantly much better, but he does have a liver condition of some sort, so now I'm focusing on liver rest and detox. We'll see.
Doc said with expensive medication he would live another 2 or 3 years. He's 9.
Thank you for the great ideas and guide, I know a few great underrated natural medicine plants I'd love to share!
That would be awesome!
$WINE My kind of topics, great tips for inspiration. 🍷
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Awesome! I just planted my veggies and a few Herbs. I also make cbd healing creams and plans to make my own essential oils. I'll start posting here.
Gracias @naturalmedicine por todas esas ideas maravillosas.Muchos saludos.
I love these post suggestions!
Thanks for the beneficiary and this informative post. Even I have some new posting ideas after reading this.
Thanks for this piece, now I can seat with my back relexed and my mind together to out up post on the local plants that does wonders in health in my environment.once more this piece is really helpful
Thank you for sharing. Just read it I've knew that dancing is one of natural madicine. I used to dance for taking care my health. I think I no needs another exercise. Thanks for the guiding.
thank you, since I joined here there has been a lot of inspiration
A wide range of topic. Anyone can participate so easily i think. Thanks
Love all these post subject suggestions! I will be posting about herbs/herbalism here soon!!
Me alegro de que te este yendo bien,sigue asi
Thank you so much . This really is a great post for new comers like me
Thank you for these recommendations, I was wondering days ago where I could publish about yoga... and here you are, thank you.
gracias @naturalmedicine yo al comienzo no tenía claro el alcance de publicaciones que podía tener aquí pero con sus ideas puedo tener un marco perfecto para saber que publicar y que no.👍.