Greetings beautiful people of @naturalmedicine and other Hivers who frequent our Community. We've has been enriched these last two weeks with wonderful content, full of experiences shared by more than 60 participants in our Challenge. We are very happy and want to encourage you to continue sharing in the ways that you do. This week was full of amazing submissions, in this post we present you the last entries received, followed by the winners. Keep an eye out in your wallet for your HIVE &/or LOTUS!
My peace is the relationship with Spirituality
According to this author spirituality is that state of balance that must exist between mind, body and soul, if that balance is achieved peace will be achieved.
Let's talk about energy and how it is lost
This author presents an interesting post about energy management and the energy vampires that consciously or unconsciously steal our energy, and gives us some recommendations to identify them and cancel their effects.
Spirituality Challege Natural Medicine
For Evelyn spirituality is a state of absolute joy and fulfillment based on love, which presents itself as a natural condition in every human being.
For @jynura spirituality is present in us from the very moment we come to life, from the womb we have the first connection with love which is, in her opinion, the inexhaustible source of spirituality.
My Spirituality is based on Faith and my relationship with God/
In this beautiful post, @yumelys25 tells us that her spirituality can be experienced through her Faith, seeking God within her being every day through prayer and communion with herself.
I Am We Are Paradigm and Relationships = A Personal Statement For The Spiritual Challenge
For @regenerette it's time to unite with people who are vibrating at a high frequency level, to move forward in creating the new social systems we need as humanity, and to beware of spiritual predators.
Spirituality in Everyday Life - NaturalMedicine's Spirituality Challenge
Every encounter with human beings, animals, trees, mountains, lakes, even abstract situations and concepts, enriches our own existence. It co-creates who we are and helps us to continue creating. Having mindfulness in these encounters is "spirituality" for @stortebeker.
Source: Hive Stock Images @my451r
For her, we must understand that to achieve spiritual development we must empty our mind, try to forget what we "think we know" so that with a more flexible and open mind we can explore new concepts.
This author shares her mystical experiences, highlighting as a learning that the connection with the spiritual makes her lead a more focused life, while when she moves away from it, she returns to the superficial.
Liberation, exploration, and love, the path of my spirituality
In her words "we need love to be happy, and creation shows love for each and every one of its beings", her experiences have led her to realize that we come to be happy in this world and we all deserve happiness.
@ubani1 shares an amazing story about reincarnation in her family and tells us how that experience has brought her closer to spirituality.
Testimonial: My encounter with Spirituality
In a wonderful story of self-improvement, this author shares his experience about spirituality and how he overcame his anxiety crisis by reconnecting with his spiritual essence.
Connecting with our hobbies and passions is a good way to connect with spirituality according to @jicrochet. Appreciating every detail of life and being congruent with the truth are key in it.
A heightened spirituality is the result of having all connections balanced, your own mind, body and soul in harmony, pointing in the same direction so you can find inner peace.
Source: Stock images for Hive - @achekulaev
For this author, spirituality does not come packaged in dogmas, a book or in the belief and veneration of some supernatural entity. You find the connection with the whole in every act of life, appreciating each of its details.
Spirituality : Find Your True Self - Find Your Dharma
In this wonderful post, the author tells us about Sanatan Dharma and highlights that spirituality is related to spirit and elevation of that spirit is the main goal of spirituality, although it is related to religion, but its essence lies in dharma.
Nick Vujicic model of resilience| Tony Melendez, resilient man
@lisfabian brings us two stories of resilient men who were able to overcome physical limitations and become motivational role models. For her spirituality is knowing that you can do many things and doing them, it's taking action, it's praying but also setting out to serve others by example.
Spirituality for me is: Peace of mind and tranquility of heart
In this wonderful post @care1869 fills us with energy and good vibes. For her spirituality has to do with the awakening of consciousness, she defines it as an internal healing process that has to do with making significant changes from our being in a conscious way.
For her, spirituality is "to be an agent of change, to enjoy the spaces, valuing every second and every detail that one learns. Feeding on the energy of the stars and the universe. Becoming a complement, a whole".
My spirituality in contact with nature
This author makes some very interesting questions about the way we live and defines spirituality as the capacity we have to reach our spirit, for which we need to forget what we have learned and let ourselves be carried away by what our conscience tells us.
She gives us a beautiful mantra sung by her and tells us that spirituality is connecting with our highest potential, discovering our gifts and what we came into the world to share.
Source: Hive Stock Images @lut-studio
In @latifah1 words, Spiritual value is self-awareness of origin, purpose and destiny, while religion is a testimony of faith that is considered the absolute truth of the life a person lives on earth.
Spiritual master
For him Jesus Christ is a spiritual master, not because of what religions say, but because he proved to be a non-violent person, who had a connection beyond feelings. Spiritual people are people full of kindness, simplicity, humility and love for their environment.
What practice would you recommend to achieve a spiritual connection or development?
@keritroberts recommends the practice of Yoga and meditation, because these activities have helped her connect with her inner self and her spirituality.
Natural Medicine Contest : My spiritual path
For her, spirituality is about recognizing that there is something much greater than our limited humanity, that there is a higher being who has created all things since the beginning of time. She shares with us an incredible healing story.
Your Inner Voice
She tells us that spirituality is a personal dialogue, the force that says we are in sync because the organism is aware of sensations for one's own good. You experience a state of calm even if you are in the middle of a hurricane, there is no interference, but you also don't forget to attend to the problem, it means you have achieved clarity.
Are You Spiritual? Am I Spiritual? What does "Spiritual" Mean?
She poses a series of potentially controversial questions about spirituality and highlights how subjective this concept can be. He then states that spirituality is within us, it is our energy, vibrations, aura expanding and becoming more active. Finally she leaves this question open for reflection: is spirituality life?
Spirituality / A reflection of the soul
In a beautiful and moving post, @parauri tells us that spirituality is the result and reflection of what is within us. She highlights that it is important to understand that to speak of heart is to speak of the spirit and in turn, the soul, therefore spirituality is the result of the connection with the energy center or spiritual core: GOD.
Source: Hive Stock Images @deepresearch
From the tangible to the intangible
She tells us that spirituality does not belong to any religion in this world, nor outside of it, she states that spirituality is inherent in being human, and once we understand this, we will regain our center and begin to fill that empty space.
Some recommendations for your spiritual journey
He shares with us many tools and resources that have helped him connect with spirituality, ranging from reading some parables and books, practicing meditation and yoga to taking shamanic medicine.
Who is a spiritual master for you? - Who is a spiritual master for you?
For her spirituality is above men, however a true spiritual guide is coherent with what he professes and his morals and ethics must be in harmony. A Spiritual Master is then the one who transcended form, time and space, who left a message for those who want to follow him, an enlightened one, a saint, who came to leave a teaching when he was alive and that will last forever.
What impact does a spiritual life have on your healing processes?
For her spirituality is the force that moves the human being, is the food to face the different vicissitudes that life presents us, regardless of religious beliefs or spiritual practices, man always seeks to believe in something higher.
What practice would you recommend to achieve a spiritual connection or development?
This author makes a very interesting dissertation on the different aspects of spirituality and concludes that it is about bringing to life actions that contribute to the energetic elevation of our own person and the environment.
Spirituality my experience, my guides, my version
For this author spirituality is that connection you have with yourself and what you do, so that your energy is condensed in that intimate situation where you give all of yourself to achieve something.
It's been a busy couple of weeks within our Community and we are thrilled by the receptive participation in our #Spirituality Challenge, which is why choosing a winner is an impossible task. All of the publications have been very special because each one captures a piece of your story and your valuable beliefs.
This time we decided to distribute the 50 Hive of our Challenge to the following authors: @paolazun,, @hunter-yogi, @graciadegenios, @amandaj, @soyunasantacruz, @evev, @stortebeker, @latifah1, @parauri
Congratulations, you receive 5 Hive each!
In addition, we want to reward the commitment of five participants: @aguilaazul7777, @tibaire, @popurri, @sv94, @care1869. Each gets 50 Lotus.
@danielapevs, @regenerette, @dwixer, @davpe, @trucklife-family, @isgledysduarte, @daniel2001, @mau189gg, @alejandramonzon, @nahupuku, @pjpavan, @stellify, @evegrace, @iyimoga, @tibaire, @phoenixwren, @graciadegenios, @auelitairene, @berlissanoja, @mercmarg, @isabelpena, @yolimarag, @aguilaazul7777, @justinparke, @soyunasantacruz, @emybaby, @auelitairena, @lisbethseijas, @evev, @bettzymedina, @jicrochet, @evev, @stortebeker, @maylenasland,, @yumely25, @ubani1, @pavanjr, @riverflows, @ungranulises, @graciadegenios, @garybilbao, @hunter-yogi, @pashinni, @aguilaazul7777, @mayellig, @lisfabian, @care1869, @leslieebano, @popurri, @latifah1, @pjpavan, @care1869, @kattycrochet, @anaclark, @amandaj, @parauri, @sv94, @shawnlauzon, @mariakekin, @paolazun, @asahaja
Thank you very much for being part of this Challenge, I think it has been an interesting and enriching experience in many ways.
I hope you find yourself in harmony wherever you are.
Blessings, @miriannalis xx
A little note from @riverflows: Thanks everyone for being so amazing! It was super hard for me to keep up with all of these entries personally, and I'm sure you will agree @mirrianalis has done an incredible job in giving you all opportunity to share your thoughts. Our community is so blessed to have such guiding lights to bring us such content and give us a chance to reflect on our healing journeys, whatever form they may take. I'm super pleased to award her with 100 percent beneficiary on this post for her hard work - please do upvote it and know that your rewards go to a kind and generous person who has HIVE and all it's users held dearly in her heart!
Earn Instantly For Writing Natural Health Content
Earn LOTUS and HIVE rewards for sharing your natural health content on If you don't already have a HIVE account, you can sign up for FREE
here. We support writers sharing about herbalism, TCM, yoga, meditation, vegan and other healthy diets, as well as earth centred practices such as foraging, permaculture and biodynamics - read more about us here!
The images used in this publication were taken from @Stockimages Community, where Hive bloggers share their photos for use on the platform.

Wonderful. Thank you all for your energy and time for every experience.
Congratulations to all.
Congratulations and thank you @miriannalis for being such an amazing being of light.
Thank you beautiful friend for joining us in this Challenge, we encourage you to continue sharing your experiences in our Community.
Thank you for your support and your beautiful words! 🤗✨
Thank you very much, I receive the award with gratitude and humility, besides being a surprise because among so many beautiful publications where people opened their hearts and showed their being in such an intimate topic, it is an honor.
Thanks to the people who are part of the organization of @naturalmedicine, the administrators and curators and also thanks to all the participants.
The following people leave in me a beautiful memory @miriannalis @riverflows @evev @pavanjr
Eres maravillosa, linda, inteligente y un hermoso ser humano. Recuerdalo siempre. <3 ♥
Uhiii me pusiste los ojos aguao 🥺 y me dejaste un nudo en la garganta.
Gracias @pavanjr 💋
Your posts were beautiful, we are very happy that you participated and encourage you to continue sharing in our Community.
Thank you for your beautiful words, blessings ✨
El concurso fue estupendo,muchas gracias por este tipo de tema.yo pude dar a conocer a mucha gente mi experiencia.,todos son increíbles.
Muchas gracias @mariakekin por animarte hacerlo. Esperamos que continúes compartiendo en nuestra Comunidad.
Bendiciones ✨
Thank you so much @riverflows for such nice words, it has been a wonderful experience for me and I already feel blessed and rewarded for the opportunity given to me by this beautiful @naturalmedicine Community and with all the participation we had, every entry was wonderful!!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you everyone!!!!!
We continue to stay connected through this Community that week after week brings us excellent challenges.
Blessings ✨
Maravilloso reto fue una gran oportunidad para explorarnos y seguir en desarrollo humano. FELICITACIONES a todo los participantes y para @miriannalis mi respeto, amor y admiración.
Gracias @evev por ser parte de esta bella iniciativa. Valoro mucho tus palabras y tú apoyo.
Bendiciones 🙏🏻✨
Thank you so much for this challenge @miriannalis, it is a journey I will always remember with every post I read. Everyone was wonderful and congratulations to the winners for this challenge. It is a pleasure and a blessing to have so much participation. Congratulations everyone! ♥
Thank you for being part of this challenge. I will also remember all the posts and shared experiences, it has been a very enriching journey that brought me a lot of news.
Thank you for your loving words and support, blessings ✨
Wow😍 qué sorpresa tan agradable!!! Muchas gracias a la comunidad de @naturalmedicine y a @miriannalis por haber creado este hermoso reto que nos mostró una vez más que a pesar de las diferencias todos somos uno. Siento mi corazón conmovido por la alegría 🙏🏻. Este reto fue muy particular para mí porque estuvo cargado de sincronias.
*Cuando publique mí enlace vi una secuencia numérica muy particular que me hizo sentir que estuvimos asistidos por la divinidad en este reto.

*Hace días soñé que estaba pidiendo un menú y decía 50hive la carta y el menú era una foto de una mujer envuelta en los colores del arcoiris. Alguien me preguntó algo y recuerdo que respondí que el amor era la respuesta.
*Hoy caminando por la calle me encontré un dije de un pequeño elefante, inmediatamente pensé en Ganesha un Dios Hindú de la buena suerte y removedor de obstáculos. Me pareció un hecho muy curioso también y ahora lo comprendo. Definitivamente el universo (Dios) tiene forma de hablarnos y nos muestra que no estamos solos 💛.
¡Increíble!! No me había percatado de ese detalle de la secuencia 😯 y esas sincronias que nos relatas me dejaron con la boca abierta, definitivamente el Universo nos habla constantemente.
Gracias por ser parte de este maravilloso reto y por regalarnos ese mantra tan hermoso.
PD: Creo que el punto de encuentro de todos estuvo en esa respuesta mágica: la energía del amor en sus diferentes manifestaciones.
Bendiciones ✨
Wow! Thanks to @naturalmedicine for that recognition 💖.. It was very nice to participate and share our experiences of spiritual connection 🙏..Each story leaves us learning. Thanks @miriannalis for the invitation to this wonderful contest.
Thank you @graciadegenios for accepting my invitation and joining this very special challenge. Well deserved recognition for you, for your participation and shared experiences.
Best regards
yeah! it was a nice topic to engage in conversation. nice vibes to all who were able to participate. Adiwa.
Thank you very much for participating, blessings ✨.
This was a great contest, with so many good entries! You can tell it really resonated with people.
These two weeks have been very special, I am happy for the participation. It was a wonderful experience. Thank you for being part of it.
Blessings ✨
Congratulations to all the winners, I really love to read the experience of many hivers on spirituality. regards
Thank you very much for being part of this initiative, blessings ✨
Thank you very much for your support and reward. It is very special and rewarding. I will be following participating in this wonderful community, because is special, sensitive and i feel identify with you all.
Thank you @tibaire, we encourage you to continue sharing your content in our Community. Blessings ✨
Congratulations to the winners.
Thank you very much for being part of this Challenge, blessings ✨
It felt good to participate!
Thank you very much for being part of this initiative, we look forward to seeing more of your publications in our Community
Blessings ✨
Maybe one day I'll come by again!
Fue un hermoso reto, muchas gracias por esta iniciativa, que continúen los éxitos.
Gracias @ungranulises por ser parte de este Reto, esperamos que sigas escribiendo en nuestra Comunidad.
Bendiciones ✨
Thank you very much, it is a very nice surprise in this post, this challenge was very inspiring and entertaining, I could read many excellent posts about spirituality, and get similarities in our paths.
Thank you for creating this opportunity to share.
Muchas gracias, es una sorpresa muy agradable en este post, este reto fue muy inspirador y entretenido, pude leer muchas publicaciones excelentes sobre la espiritualidad, y conseguir similitudes en nuestros caminos.
Gracias por crear esta oportunidad de compartir.
Gracias por participar. Todas las publicaciones fueron especiales ❤️, ciertamente pudimos ver tantas respuestas diferentes y al mismo tiempo el mismo camino hacia la conexión con el Amor y la evolución de la conciencia.
Esperamos que te animes a seguir participando en nuestra Comunidad, bendiciones ✨
Congratulations Everyone 💐👏
This post is full of Gems for them who really want to explore the different realities of Spirituality!
That's right!!! They have all been gems. It was a very interesting discussion with different points of view and experiences and at the same time a path to the same destination.
Thank you for being part of this challenge and we look forward to continue reading more of your content in our Community.
Blessings ✨
Fue una experiencia muy bonita, me gusto mucho participar! Buenas vibras a todos, y felicitaciones a los ganadores.
Gracias @emybaby por compartir tan bonita experiencia sobre el amor y la familia. Esperamos verte más a menudo por nuestra Comunidad, bendiciones ✨
Congratulations to all winners.
Thank you for being part of this initiative, we hope to see you in our Community more often.
Blessings ✨
Such a wonderful challenge, with so many amazing entries and lots that I still haven't even read. Well done to all of the winners and everyone who took part xxxx
It has been a truly amazing experience! Thank you so much for being part of it. In the names of the participants at the end of the post are the links to all the posts.
Blessings ✨
WoW que sorpresa muchas gracias! Y felicidades a los ganadores verdaderamente fue un reto muy hermoso y las entradas estuvieron geniales 💞
Fue muy emotivo y especial este reto. Me alegra que hayas sido parte de él y que hayas compartido tus experiencias que son ejemplo de superación personal y de sanación.
Bendiciones ✨
Thanks to @naturalmedicine for sharing and recognizing these amazing posts. It really is a motivation for new comers like me
You are welcome in our Community! We encourage you to participate in the #EarthDayChallenge. Here the link:
Thank you, I have already posted my entry for this contest .
Thank you for creating this wonderful challenge, and giving me a chance (and an appropriate environment) to talk about my feelings of spirituality.
Also thank you for picking my post to be among the winners!
Congrats to all other winners, and thank you for everyone who came and participated.
Thank you! Incredible challenge, this is an excellent way to stimulate great content!
Thank you very much for the mention and the reward.
We will continue to participate in these beautiful initiatives that invite us to grow in our connection with our essence.
A big hug.
Thank you Community.
Happy for the opportunity to write about the questions on a subject that some people are confused about and have little feeling for.
Thank you for the recognition and thank you @miriannalis
Thank you for being part of this initiative. Blessings ✨
Qué sorpresa tan agradable. Gracias por valorar mi trabajo. Cuando se hacen las cosas con pasión, los resultados son una emoción... Toda acción genera una reacción. Gracias. Gracias. Gracias. Felicidades para todos los ganadores y a todos los participantes. Un saludo caluroso y un abrazo gigante a @miriannalis y @naturalmedicine por la organización de un concurso tan espectacular como éste. Feliz de haber participado y compartir con personas tan maravillosas como ustedes.👏👏👏👏
Gracias por este mensaje tan lleno de buenas vibras como los post que publicaste dentro del Reto 😊.
Te animamos a seguir participando dentro de nuestra Comunidad.
Un abrazo 🤗
Claro que sí, es un honor escribir en su comunidad; y más honrada me siento al saber que mis palabras enriquecen sus proyectos y aportan cosas positivas a la comunidad. Gracias. Gracias. Gracias. 😎
Congrats to all the participants. This challenge was a very good idea.