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RE: Las Plantas Medicinales Muy Útiles Pero.. ¡MUCHO CUIDADO¡ (Esp/Eng) Very Useful Medicinal Plants But .. VERY CAREFUL!

thanks for sharing. My dad plants Bougainvillea as an annual in hanging baskets every summer, we never used it medicinally. I am curious though what would be the proper way to use it. It's always good to know what is medicinal. I have my tried and true herbs set for Covid and other ailments (for me it's Osha and Lomatium roots, Elderberry leaf) but given that my dad has this around for the beauty, it would be good to know.


Gracias ofsedgeandsalt por leerme, El tè se prepara poniendo a hervir una tasa de agua, en el agua hirviendo se colocan tres flores y se apaga el fuego; se deja reposar la infusión, se le coloca miel al gusto si lo desea. el detalle està en que en algunas personas puede provocar reacciones alérgicas o pude ocasionarles subidas de la presión arterial. por lo que es conveniente consultar a un médico.

Thanks ofsedgeandsalt for reading me, The tea is prepared by boiling a cup of water, three flowers are placed in the boiling water and the fire is extinguished; the infusion is allowed to rest, honey is added to taste if desired. the detail is that in some people it can cause allergic reactions or cause increases in blood pressure. therefore it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Thank you for the proper dosage! I will keep this information.