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RE: Sour dough lessons, the end of tobacco & personal milestone achieved 🎉

Congrats on kicking tobacco. I have an assortment of vaporizers as well. I don't have the ones you have, but I have the S&B Plenty, which is a handheld-but-not-portable vaporizer that sort of looks like an electric stapler with a tube sticking out of it. It's powerful and useful, though. But we also got the S&B Volcano recently, and that sort of makes the Plenty less useful. I like being able to create custom vapor flows with the Volcano and an app on my phone. I find myself just smoking more often than vaping, though, despite having all of those fancy tools.

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Funny. I just learned about the Plenty yesterday and am intending to buy it immediately. With a bigger herb chamber & mains power I imagine this is a more effective delivery system. The volcano just seems a bit inappropriate for our small family home. Amazing though you are able to create custom vapour flows from an app! Had no idea.