Bienvenidos al blog Al Natural//Welcome to the Al Natural blog

in Natural Medicine4 years ago

Hola!🙋 Les quiero dar una cordial bienvenida a este nuevo blog. Aquí vamos a hablar un poco sobre las propiedades y beneficios que ofrecen las plantas sobre nuestro cuerpo, tanto en la piel, en el cabello y distintas partes de nuestro cuerpo. Compartiré con ustedes recetas que se pueden elaborar con productos naturales para el cuidado de nuestro cuerpo y así tener un mejor estilo de vida mucho más saludable.

Espero que este blog sea de mucha utilidad para todos ustedes y nos podamos convertir en una gran comunidad que les guste lo natural y aprovechar al máximo los productos que nos ofrece la naturaleza.
La idea de realizar este blog, además de compartir algunos de los conocimientos en cuidados personales con lo natural es que también ustedes interactúen conmigo aportando ideas y recomendaciones para que esta comunidad tenga mucha más dinámica y podamos ampliar nuestro conocimiento mutuamente.

Hello! 🙋 I want to give you a warm welcome to this new blog. Here we are going to talk a little about the properties and benefits that plants offer on our body, both in the skin, hair and different parts of our body. I will share with you recipes that can be made with natural products for the care of our body and thus have a better lifestyle much healthier.

I hope this blog will be very useful for all of you and we can become a great community that likes the natural and make the most of the products that nature offers us.
The idea of making this blog, besides sharing some of the knowledge in personal care with the natural is that you also interact with me by contributing ideas and recommendations for this community to have much more dynamic and we can expand our knowledge mutually.


Un poco sobre mi

Mi nombre es Oriana Morao, soy de Caracas, Venezuela. Soy mamá de dos niños hermosos que son muy enérgicos. No he estudiado medicina ni botánica, pero algunos de los conocimientos que tengo son totalmente empíricos. He leído mucho sobre el beneficio de las plantas y lo he aplicado en parte de mi vida cotidiana. Pero fue a raíz de la pandemia que me interesó mucho más este tema porque como todos sabemos la cuarentena nos llevó a experimentar cosas, en mi caso experimente con hacerme tratamientos faciales, capilares, algunas preparaciones e infusiones y quiero compartir mi experiencia con ustedes y algunas cosas que he aprendido.

A little bit about me

My name is Oriana Morao, I am from Caracas, Venezuela. I am a mom of two beautiful children who are very energetic. I have not studied medicine or botany, but some of the knowledge I have is totally empirical. I have read a lot about the benefits of plants and have applied it in part of my daily life. But it was after the pandemic that I became much more interested in this subject because as we all know the quarantine led us to experiment things, in my case I experimented with facial treatments, hair treatments, some preparations and infusions and I want to share my experience with you and some things I have learned.


¿Qué es la cosmética natural?🧖
En sí no hay un enunciado que defina con exactitud la cosmética natural, ya que es una terminología que ha tenido un fuerte auge en los últimos años, pero ¿qué podemos encontrar en la cosmética natural? Dentro de la cosmética natural se encuentran aquellos productos del cuidado personal, ya sean los cuidados de la piel, el cabello,hasta maquillaje, donde sus componentes son de origen natural, sin procesos químicos, que respeten al medio ambiente y no son privados en animales.
Los principales consumidores de este tipo de cosmética son los que quieren tener un estilo de vida natural y saludable, los que quieres sacar productos químicos de su vida, otras personas que hacen uso de este tipo de cosmética son aquellos que se dejan llevar por moda o tendencias y otros hacen uso de la cosmética natural pero a manera de hacer una comparación de los resultados entre productos químicos y naturales.
Aquí vamos a usar los productos que nos ofrece la naturaleza, completamente Al Natural, les recomendaré como utilizar las plantas para nuestro cuidado, ya sea en infusiones y preparaciones, todo lo más natural posible.

What is natural cosmetics? 🧖
In itself there is no statement that accurately defines natural cosmetics, since it is a terminology that has had a strong boom in recent years, but **What can we find in natural cosmetics?** Within the natural cosmetics are those personal care products, whether skin care, hair care, even makeup, where its components are of natural origin, without chemical processes, which respect the environment and are not deprived in animals.
The main consumers of this type of cosmetics are those who want to have a natural and healthy lifestyle, those who want to remove chemicals from their lives, other people who make use of this type of cosmetics are those who are carried away by fashion or trends and others make use of natural cosmetics but by way of making a comparison of the results between chemical and natural products.
Here we are going to use the products that nature offers us, completely Al Natural, I will recommend you how to use plants for our care, either in infusions and preparations, all as natural as possible.

Está información se puede ver en la cuenta de orivero22, solo que tuve un inconveniente con la cuenta que no la pude volver abrir y me vi en la necesidad de abrir una nueva, quiero seguir con mi blog así que espero que disfruten. Las publicaciones que están en mi blog anterior las voy a colocar aquí.

This information can be seen in the account of orivero22, only that I had a problem with the account that I could not reopen and I saw the need to open a new one, I want to continue with my blog so I hope you enjoy. The publications that are in my previous blog I am going to place them here.


Welcome orivero!
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 4 years ago  

Holaaaa señorita, oye que alegría verte por aquí. Y claro que estoy encantado de leerte y aprender de ti, es una buena introducción, se nota que te esfuerzas y eso habla bien de ti. Bienvenida a la comunidad.

Un consejo, si me lo permites. Nunca repitas posts, sé que dices que no pudiste recuperar tu cuenta anterior y que tuviste que poner esta presentación igual aquí, pero ten mucho cuidado con eso, si?...

Un abrazo y mucho amor para ti. Buena vibra! ♥

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Muchas gracias!! Me encanta tu buena vibra!!! Y gracias por tu consejo!! Lo tomaré muchísimo en cuenta 😃

Hello Oriana.
Welcome to the community. I love trying natural care products. I am glad that you will share your experiences with us. We will be waiting for your articles with curiosity.😇

Hola Oriana ,
Hi there , 2021 is gonna be a great blogging year, not on the least because you decided to join! So Welcome to the Hive. It’s a true movement and blockchain, and I love that you decided to join us here. You will have fun blogging and vlogging I promise. And the garden will have some great tags to blog in about that hobby.
But in the beginning it’s hard and new and maybe you need help. We have amazing people here and a help discord if you need it. I love blogging, been here for three years already. But always be carefull with all your passwords, Never give those up !! I speak from experience !

Let me know if this was helpfull or if you need more help, see you in Discord
the Terminal. Here is the invite again its totally free,

Greeting from the Netherlands
@ Brittandjosie I use Peakd to post to Hive, but Ecency is also a possibility. It’s a website, mobile and desktop application that improves your experience on Hive. If you are interested for Android download :, for iOS:, for desktop: apps that helps you to connect, and that’s what we do here ! You can also earn to promote and boost your content. Again If you are interested just some extra information in this early start of your journey here! Last is an option too. Good luck with with hive experience and I Will See you around and may you find here what you are looking for. Just remember that all good things come in good time and never giving up is THE key to big succes on the Blockchain. Also you could join the the Terminal discord, as I said before we help there with problems or questions, for free don’t worry. Or visit @heyhaveyamet for more new arrivals, all are in the same phase that might be helpful or reassuring. Newbie exposure in the beginning very important.

Good luck to you as the new arrival, may hive become your new life !


Hello, @orivero! This is @anggreklestari from the @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Well, you can explore the communities that suitable for your content. You can read some of the communities in this post: OCD Communities Incubation Program

Hi Oriana, I think your content will attract a lot of audience and you will be doing here just fine :) Welcome!

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